Christmas (1)

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"How the hell are you supposed to fit them back in these tiny boxes?!"

"I don't know! You're the oldest; don't ask me!"


"Techno, Dad's not going to be happy next year-"

"Shut up Tommy, I'm enjoying the show."


"Why did I do this?" groans Techno, who's sitting in front of a box of christmas lights.

"I don't know Tech, you got mad and that's what happened." Wilbur said from across the room by a box of ornaments. "You're scary what you're mad."

Techno sighs and continues trying to untangle the long string of lights in vain. "...Do you think we can get Dad to just buy us some new lights?"


"No!" Tommy runs over and grabs the lights from his brother. "Then we won't have lights until tomorrow! We have to put them up today, it's the first day of December! We can't have our house bare!" he thrusts the lights back at Techno and crosses his arms. "You tangled them, you untangle them."

Technoblade rolls his eyes and gets back to work slowly unwinding them starting from the end this time. "I think we should let Tommy put the lights away this year, don't you agree Wil?" 

Wilbur grins. "Yeah, seems fair, I had to do it the year before last. At least I didn't tangle them."

Techno throws a pillow across the room at Wilbur, who then convinces Tommy to help him tackle their older brother. Techno, jumping up quickly, grabs a couch cushion and pushes them over with it, sitting on them after they've been knocked to the ground. 

"Give up yet boys?"

"...Yes," Techno lets them up and Tommy looks around. "but you still haven't put the lights up, get back to work bitch!"

"You're not the boss of me!"


"Boys! I'm home!" Phil calls, walking through the door. He gasps, seeing all the decorations, and stands in the doorway, appalled. 

His children come running down the stairs and tommy flings himself at his dad. "Hello! We put up the Christmas stuff while you were at work!"

"I see that! You three did a wonderful job, I"m so surprised!" Tommy grabs his Dad's hand and drags him into the living room. "Techno started the fireplace for us, and he put up the lights, and me and Wilbur-"

"It's Wilbur and I, mate." Phil interrupts. Tommy ignores him and continues explaining what they did.

"-put the ornaments on the tree and hung up the stockings!"

They all sit on the couch and Techno hands Phil a cup of coffee whi,e Wilbur turns on the television. 

"Are you ready for some Christmas movies?" Tommy asks, bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Yes I am! Thanks Techno," He says, wincing as the sip of coffee he takes burns his tongue, "Toms, please stop bouncing I might spill my coffee." Tommy calms down and they all sit back, the boys drinking hot coco. 

"Well, what movie are we watching first?"

A/N 475 words! I'm hoping to post a christmas related oneshot every Sunday until Christmas, so we'll see how that goes. 

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