
91 2 5

TW: none

Requested: no

started: oct 26, 2022

finished+published: oct 29, 2022


3rd person POV bc i forgot how to write from someone's perspective for this one...


"Ok, do any of you need the toilet?" Phil asked from the driver's seat of the car, "Just asking because we're passing gas stations."

"Passing gas... stations." Wilbur giggled, whispering the last bit.

"Haha, so funny Wil," Tommy rolled his eyes at his brother's joke. "No, I'm good Phil."

"Alright, if you're sure."

Phil and his sons, Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy were going camping for a few days. It wasn't exactly camping sense they were staying in a cabin, but close enough as they wouldn't have any service and the closet stores were an hour away. They were going to a campsite that had the darkest sky around, and they were all really excited to use their telescope.

"Maybe there will be two bears that I can fight!" Tommy continued on the topic he had been on about for the whole car ride. "And then the news people will come and-"

"Tommy! Enough about the fucking bears already! You're not going to be fighting any bears alright?!" Techno was getting tired of listening to Tommy talk about fighting bears, and he just wanted to read his book in peace.

"But Techno-"

"Tommy mate, maybe just forget the bears for a minute, yeah?" Phil reasoned.


They sat in silence for a bit listening to Hamilton for the millionth time, thanks to Wilbur. But peace couldn't last in their car for long apparently.


"Yes Tommy?" Phil asked, who had a sneaking suspicion that he already knew what was coming next, and he was right.

"I need to pee..."

Phil sighed. "Techno, please look ahead on google maps and see if there are any stores or anything ahead. Do you need to go bad mate?" He asked, glancing back at his youngest in the mirror.

"I can try to hold it." 

"Uh, good news there's a store ahead, bad news we won't get there for ten minutes." 

Tommy bounced in his seat and Phil nervously tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Ten long minutes later, they pulled up to the store and headed in, Tommy running to the restroom immediately. 

"Dad, can we buy snacks?" Wilbur asked his father excitedly. 

"Sure mate, let's wait for Tommy and then we can go find some food."

After they paid they all went back to the car and continued on their way.

"Those were my crisps, bitch! Give them back!" Tommy shouted at Wilbur, lunging to grab the bag out of his brother's hands.

"Tommy, you can share." Phil told his son sternly.

"Whatever." Tommy slouched down in his chair and crossed his arms.

They finally got to the cabin and Phil told everyone the code for the door and let them in.

"Aah, air conditioning pog!" Tommy flopped down on the couch and spread himself out, taking up the whole space. 

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