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"Everyone, please welcome our new students... Grace, and Allison Argent." The head announced, and the whole class had eyes on them. Being the new kid was bound to be hard. But as long as they have each other, surely nothing could be so bad. Grace and Allison were twins, though they couldn't be more unlike one another. Allison tended to flower in social situations, and be the life of the party, whereas Grace did her best to shy away from most, if not all people, as she would rather be home with her cat and a book, and tended to have more of a morbid sense of humor. Allison, undoubtedly, would be swarmed with new friends in a few hours, and Grace would likely just be tagging along. For her, school was more of a 'get in, get out', and Allison used this time to make conversation. That being said, their differences didn't stop them from being as close as they were. For all of their lives, to their family, its always been 'Alli and Kitty', and so far, nothing has changed that. Moving to Beacon Hills, unfortunately, brought more than they had bargained for. "If you'd like to sit." Allison settled in the closest seat to her, but Grace stalked to the back of the room, taking a seat there. The teacher resumed what he was saying, and Grace began digging through her bag.

"Son of a-"

"Something wrong, Miss Argent?" She looked up, not realising she'd said that out loud.

"I, uh... I don't have a pen." She muttered, and jumped slightly when the boy sat in front of her suddenly turned around to offer her a pen. "Oh, thanks." She smiled, taking it from him. "My issue has resolved itself."

"How kind of you, Mr Stilinski." He said. "May I continue?" After a moment of silence, he continued his teaching. The boy leaned forwards, poking his friend on the back.

"What?" He sighed, turning to him.

"Can I borrow a pen?"

"You gave her your only pen?"

"I panicked." He shrugged, causing him to smirk. "What?"

"Love at first sight?"


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