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The two of them rushed out one the lacrosse field, after looking everywhere else. Lydia was laid out, and Peter was stood over her. Grace collapsed beside her, trying to shake her awake.

"Lydia. Lydia, come on." She cried. "Why did you do this? She didn't deserve it."

"An eye for an eye, Atropa." He growled.

"That's what this is about? The nurse? If this is what it's about, take me. Take me anywhere. Do whatever you want with me. Kill me. Bite me. Use me as bait. Just stop this. Leave them alone." Grace said in one breath.

"As tempting as that offer is, atropa, its him I'm currently interest in." He smirked. Grace stood, staring him in the eyes.

"No." She said. "You leave him out of this." The next thing she knew, he struck her across the face with the back of his hand. She stumbled backwards, right into Stiles.

"I want to know how to find Derek."

"Scott lost his phone. Chances are, Derek has it. All the phones have GPS now. If you use his find my phone, you can find him." Grace looked up at him. He was stalling. Bargening. Bargening for her life.


After being forced to drive, Stiles eventually pulled up in a parking space inside a multi-story car park that Peter had directed him to. The two of them climbed out, heading for the boot of another, near by car, but Grace didn't bother. Whatever he was doing, she wasn't going to make it easy on him. After a long moment of silence, the door was then thrown open, and she was dragged out by her hair, this causing her to yelp.

"I think you'll find I can be very persuasive." Peter smirked, lightly tracing his claws over her exposed throat. "Don't make me persuade you."

"Let go of her." Stiles spoke, meaning to take a step forwards.

"If you come any closer I will tear out her pretty little voice box so you'll never get the chance to hear her speak again." He threatened, suddenly taking a grip on her neck. "Aww, do you love her? Do you wanna be the hero and save her?" He smirked, enjoying the obvious fear on Stiles' face. "Then give me what I want."

"Stiles..." Grace spoke. "You don't have to listen to him. You can just turn around and go-"

"He'll kill you."

"He'll try." She huffed. "But you don't have to do this. Okay? I'm asking you not to do this."

"No, you're asking me to let you die... and I can't." He shrugged. "I won't. So if keeping you alive means helping a psychotic alpha werewolf carry out his evil plan, then so be it."

"Shall we." Peter spoke again, still maintaining his smirk.

"What? What do you want me to do?"

"Track the phone."

"You really are a son of a bitch, y'know that." Grace spat, and Peter looked down at her.

"Quiet, Atropa."

"Fuck you." She hissed.

"Alright, I got it." Stiles spoke, and Peter moved closer to him.

"Perfect." He nodded. "Since you've been of use to me, I'll pay you back, do you want the bite?"


"Do, you want, the bite? If it doesn't kill you, and it could... you'll become stronger, more powerful."

"I don't want the bite."

"Are you sure? You wouldn't have to hide behind your little hunter anymore... we could kill her right now, it would feel so good-"

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