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"Just... if you manage to get hold of her... or if she contacts you, I need to know, alright, Stiles? Her family is very worried about her."

"Yeah, I'll keep trying her, but... she's gonna be okay, right? I mean there was no... no blood or-"

"As far as I could tell, there was no sign of struggle. It's looking like she just ditched the car and ran."

"Just find her, dad... please."

"You know I'll do my best." He placed down his phone on the desk, dragging a hand down his face as he leaned back in his chair. Where could she have gone? Why would she have run off? What happened to make her disappear? She wouldn't just leave. He knew she wouldn't just leave, not without a goodbye. He couldn't even begin to think of a place she'd go. Amongst the pacing and stressing that occurred in the hours following the news of the vanishing of Grace, the sound of the doorbell ringing caused him to stop in his tracks. What he hoped for was someone with news on Grace. But when he opened the door, what he set eyes on was something even better.

"Grace?" He breathed.

"Hi." She spoke, her eyes welling with tears. "Can I come in?" She said under her breath, before collapsing forwards, and Stiles took her in his arms before she hit the floor.

"You need to go to the hospital-"

"No!" She said quickly. "No, you can't take me to the hospital, Stiles, promise me."

"Grace, you're bleeding-"

"No, its okay, its just a scratch." She said, brushing over the blood seeping through her clothes. "Jus- my dad, he can't find out about this, I just... I didn't have anywhere else to go-"

"Let's get you inside, okay."


She limped into the bedroom, aiming for the seat closest to her.

"No! No, you're not sitting anywhere, you're gonna lay down and like it." Stiles instructed, keeping a firm grip on her until they reached the bed. She perched on the edge of the bed, and Stiles looked down at her. "Grace-"

"I'm not gonna bleed out on your bed sheets." She breathed.

"I'm not arguing with you. Lay down, and let me help you."


"Unless you want me to take you to the hospital." He spoke, and she let out a sigh, finally laying down. She let out a hiss at the strain in her side, and she gritted her teeth. Stiles made to lift the bottom of her shirt, but hesitated. Grace noticed this, and rolled her eyes as she pulled her shirt over her head without a second thought. "Okay, let me... let me clean that for you."

"Stiles, I can do it-"

"Let me help you." She was prepared to protest this treatment all night, but she couldn't resist that look. He was as stubborn as she was, and surely she wasn't winning this fight with half her energy.

"Okay." She breathed, nodding. "Okay." He disappeared out of the room for a moment, and Grace let her eyes wander across the posters and pictures and shelves full of random objects on the walls. It wasn't the tidiest, but she still envied it. It looked so lived in- unlike hers. The door opened up once again, and in walked Stiles.

"Hey." He spoke, sending her a smile.

"Hi." He sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

"This is gonna sting, so... brace yourself." He told her.

"I can take it." She said, taking in a breath. He doused a cotton ball in a clear liquid, and suddenly she wasn't so sure she could take it. He pressed it against the bleeding wound, and she winced, taking her finger between her teeth. "Son of a mother- Stiles!"

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