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That night, Grace didn't dare close her eyes. She laid quite stiff under the covers, wondering what was gonna happen. She didn't want to die. Not like this. She didn't want to leave the people she loved behind. She pushed off the covers, making her way downstairs and sitting in the living room. Not even moments later, she heard footsteps, telling her someone had heard her get up. She looked towards the door, seeing Allison with a blanket wrapped over her shoulders. Neither of them said a word, but Allison knew her sister was in distress. She sat beside her, wrapping the blanket over her and resting her head on her shoulder. Grace let out a whimper, and Allison only held her tighter.


The next morning, Grace took Allison out into the woods to show her something very important in case worst came to worst.

"So, why do you have a bow and arrow, again?" Allison asked, stopping as Grace had done so.

"Because I'm gonna teach you how to do this." She said, drawing it back, and releasing an arrow. It zoomed through the air, hitting the centre of a previously marked target. "You think you can handle that?"

"Y... yeah. I mean, I can try." She replied. "Also, I wanted to ask if it's okay that Jackson asked me to the formal."

"Of course. But, just promise me you'll be careful around him. He's a player, and won't hesitate at the chance to get in your pants." Grace warned.

"Who are you gonna go with?"

"I'll go on my own. Or maybe not even go at all." She replied with a shrug.

"What's the matter?"


"What's wrong, Kitty?"

"Derek's missing."

"Derek Hale... the murderer."

"He's not a murderer, Allison... there's just some stuff you don't understand yet."

"So explain it to me."



"Don't argue with me!" She snapped, drawing an arrow and releasing a breath. "I'm sorry, I just... you're not ready for that yet, okay."

"Okay." She let go of the arrow, and it flew through the air, hitting the target. "Here, you try." She handed Allison the bow, and watches her fire an arrow, right into the target. "You're a natural."


They'd been practicing for hours, and Allison was only getting better and better. Grace was giving her pointers every now and then, as she stood nearby, flipping her boot-knife out of boredom. However, as she was about to shoot another, they heard a rustling.

"Give me the bow." Grace said, and Allison did so. "Pay close attention. I'm gonna teach you how to clip something." There was a silence, before Grace released an arrow.

"Ouch!" A voice came from in the foliage. The two of them went to see what was going on, and it turns out, it was Scott. "The hell are you doing?"

"If I wanted to seriously hurt you, I would've. It's just a scratch, you'll live." Grace shrugged, hoisting him up. "Why are you even in the woods?"

"I was looking for you." He said.


"Just to see if you were okay." He prompted. "I talked to Stiles."

"Oh." She breathed. She noticed then Scott looking at her very intently.

"It's okay to be confused, Grace."

"I'm not confused, McCall. I may be a lot of things, but confused is not one of them... I know exactly what I'm doing."

"Are you sure?"


Allison followed Kate through a tunnel, not exactly listening to what she was saying. She was blabbing on about werewolves and curses, and she pinned it to Kate being crazy. But finally, they stopped at a huge steel door.

"Y'know how every family has their secrets?" Kate began.


"Well this..." She began, dragging it open. "...is ours."

"Grace?" Was the first thing she said, and Kate turned her head. Both Grace and Derek froze. After finding out that Kate had Derek, Grace had tracked him down, snuck in, and had unchained him. He had an arm dropped over her, and she was prepared to carry him to safety when the door opened.

"What the hell are you doing, Grace?" Kate spat.

"I can't let you do this." She breathed. "It's not right."

"I always knew you had a soft spot for that one... You took an oath-"

"Enough with the damn oath!" She huffed. "I'm taking a new oath... you want him, you go through me." Kate let out a laugh, sliding the door shut.

"You're gonna wish you never said that."


It was the middle of the night, around one am when Stilinski came across the car. It was in the middle of the road, the door thrown open, abandoned. He thought he recognised it, which is what made it all the more unsettling. He climbed into the car, looking for any sign of life at all. He opened up the glove box, and a licence fell out. He took it in his hand, sighing, and he then climbed out of the car, pressing down on the button on his radio.

"I need all available deputies to be on the look out for Grace Argent. I repeat, all available deputies, on the look out for Grace Argent."

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