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Stiles and his father sat in his police cruiser, eating some take out. He was still on duty, so had to be on standby. However, Stiles' phone began to ring, and he pulled it out of his pocket. Stilinski looked over his should, breathing out a laugh.

"What?" Stiles wondered.

"You like that girl, huh?" He smirked.

"N- no."

"No? Look at the photo on her contact- you, you like her." Stiles looked to his phone, looking over the photo. It was a picture that Allison had taken in the cafeteria. She and Stiles were side by side, looking down at Grace's phone. She got her cat a little sweater to keep her warm in the cold months, and was more than happy to show everybody she knew. Her smile was wide with pure happiness, and Stiles had been looking at her as the photo was taken.

"Her sister sent that to me..." He muttered. "She's just a friend."

"Friends don't look at friends like that."

"Okay... maybe I like her a little."

"You should tell her." He said, shoving some fries into his mouth.

"I don't think she likes me like that."

"Put her on speaker." Stiles answered the call, finally, putting it on speaker and holding it between himself and his father.

"Hey, Grace."

"I'm finally ready to admit defeat and... I will watch the first two Star Wars with you."


"Yeah, it can't hurt, right? Besides, I'm at the video store anyways. Allison's making me pick up some cheesy romance that she's gonna make Scott watch with her. Gotta tell you, I don't envy him."

"I'm sure he'll love it."

"So will I. I'm gonna hide and watch him pretend to understand what's going on while Allison cries because there "so in love, its adorable", which is her go to excuse."

"Oh! By the way, I wanna know what you want for your birthday."

"Um... to know who told you it was my birthday."

"Allison told me." A sigh echoed through the speaker.

"Of course she did." There was a brief silence, before Grace spoke again. "Okay, look... before you get all "why didn't you tell me", I just don't tend to make a deal of my birthday, okay? So, please... if you have any respect for me at all, you'll ignore my birthday completely."

"No can do, I'm afraid. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"I literally hate you."

"Yeah, that's convincing." She laughed, and he smiled as it hit his ears. A bell then sounded, followed by a distant voice they couldn't make out.

"Speaking of people I hate... yeah, hi, Jackson, I saw you."

"Who's Jackson?" Stilinski asked.

"Long story."

"What are you doing in here?" Jackson spoke, close enough now they could hear his voice.

"Work it out, Einstine, we're in a video store, that sells videos, so obviously, I'm cattle farming. What a stupid thing to ask." She scoffed, and Stilinski breathed a laugh.

"Marry that girl."

"Shut up."

"You're hiding your love for me, I know it. All the ladies love me."

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