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"Kitty?" Allison spoke, looking up at her sister for a moment as she arranged her locker. Grace had stuffed everything inside of hers, not caring about the state of it.

"Mm." She responded, not looking up from her book. It had arrived as they were leaving the house, and she wasn't about to let school get in the way of her reading.

"What are you reading?"

"Crime novel. The missing girl is totally dead, but her dad refuses to believe the mutilated body they found in the sewers is her."

"At least try to make some friends, okay?" Allison sighed.


"You never make the effort."

"Why get attached when we'll inevitably move again?" She sighed, turning the page.

"Kitty, come on!" She huffed, snatching the book from her hand. "You can deny it all you want, but I know you were lonely last year. And I don't understand why you're so closed off. You're gonna miss out on the high school experience. " Grace rolled her eyes, breathing a sigh. She turned her head, her eyes landing on the boy from earlier. She noticed her was already looking at her, but quickly diverted his gaze when he caught her eyes. She smiled to herself, wrapping her hair into a bun and shoving the pen through it.

"Alright." She began, her anxiety already hitting the roof. "Here goes nothing." She made her way across the hall, towards the two. "Hi." She smiled.

"Hey... um, I'm Scott, this is Stiles." He said with a nod. Stiles made to speak, but instead, some sort of noise came out, and he then quickly looked away embarrassed.

"It's nice to meet you both, I'm Grace... um, my sister thinks I need to put myself out there more so, here I am... putting myself, um, out there." She shrugged, a silence settling. "It's just occurred to me that I might've interrupted something, so I'll just-"

"No, no, you're good." Scott smiled, and she couldn't help but do the same.

"Kitty!" Allison called from across the hall, and Grace turned to her momentarily. "Come meet Lydia and Jackson."

"Don't." Stiles spoke suddenly. "Trust me, you don't wanna associate yourself with Jackson." Not that she'd known these boys for any longer than five minutes, but somehow she felt she could trust them on this.

"Um, no thanks, Alli." She returned, looking back to her sister.

"I don't bite." Jackson smirked at her, and she scrunched up her nose.

"I'll bet." She cringed.

"We're going to watch lacrosse practice, if you wanna come?" Allison continued.

"You can come with us." Scott whispered. "Stiles practically lives on the bench anyway, he could do with the company."

"I'm already going to lacrosse practice with my own friends." She smiled, and Allison nodded. "See you back at the car?"

"Sure." Allison smiled, mostly rejoicing in the fact her sister had some company. Grace looked back to the boys, taking in a breath.

"So... what's lacrosse?"


Grace had ventured to the bench strictly for lacrosse players, and plonked herself beside Stiles.

"Hey!" Coach Bobby Finstock called, and Grace looked up at him. "This bench is for players, little girl."

"It's empty." She pointed out.


"So why can't I sit here?"

"Because you can't."

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