Warden's Slave

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Ship: Samwastaken

Type: Angst

Plot: Dream was captured by Sam while he was running away from him and is now kept as a slave. Sam apoligzed for capturing him but has to do something because Dream is a criminal.

Not Canon. Also I'm trying out first person so wish me luck!! Since I'm learning shakspeare in english, I'll do it here. Sorry not sorry.


(Dream Pov) 

I rise to me feet when he allows me.

The chain jerked me up, pulling on the thorned collar fastened on my neck.

Its sharp points dig into my neck, not deep enough to draw blood- not yet. But blood already caked my wrists from where the chain was.

Slow wounds, worn from hours of gruesome captivity in lone, dark cell rooms. The color stains my green sleeves to an ugly dark crimson and bright scarlet, fading from old dried blood to new fresh blood.

AweSam Dude stands over me like a duchess, staring into my emerald green eyes with his forest lovesick ones. The tips of his golden crown made him seem taller, as if iron growing out of his skull. Darkish green hair poked from under the magnificent crown. A mask made entirely out of creeper scales concealed his mouth. A blood colored cape tails behind him as he advanced on me. I focus on the bitterly familiar things so I don't have to meet his eyes.

A pale brown hand circles my bloodied wrist, somehow gently but also fierce at the same time. His smile is anything but kind. His eyes worst of all, black shining eyes. Once I thought them pretty, and almost alien-like. Now I know better. The kindest eyes wrinkled when a person smiled, but this person's eyes stayed cold and bitter as frost.

Sometimes, I forget how young he is. How young I am.

Twenty isn't that old, for a slave is it?

Sam circles my like a moon circling a planet. Judging my like a cat. Wondering if I was the next prey like a wolf.

"Bear happiness to this slave, or other known as a prisoner." He says, squaring his vast shoulders in front of me. I don't know who he was talking to.

I don't reply and only react by casting my eyes downcast.

"DreamWasTaken. Look at me when I speak, dutiful slave." Sam ordered.

I didn't look up. "Pray, warden, what do I owe to this wonderful visit?" I said swiftly.

Sam's eyes hardened. "Behold at me, filthy slave." He said savagely. 

I pretended to be interested in the dirty tiles.  "Why doth I hast to? For thou to gaze upon me in pity?"

I looked away. Sam grinded his teeth. He looked away too. "Respect. Something thou know not."

Tears built up in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

"Where is the old Sam?" The old, laughing Sam. The Sam that would smile so bright to light up a dark room. The Sam who taught poor kids how to read. Where was he?

Sam opened his mouth to speak. He closed it again. Was it my imagination, or did his eyes look watery?

"I'm sorry, my Dreamling." He said quietly. I did a doubletake. Why wasn't he speaking without any formality?  "I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean to leave. I love you no matter what."

Where was his respect? Speaking to a lower, less value from without any intimidating presence? He went to school to learn that old respected language.

"W-what?" I asked, dropping all defense.

Sam walked forward to me and took him by his waist. I was still a little surprised, but an undying love rose in my heart and the desire to take Sam's apology to heart and hug him. I took Sam's face in his hand and pulled Sam's head towards my lips. Sam closed his eyes and hugged me from my waist. It felt good, and real. I pulled away and let tears spill over my cheeks. I looked into Sam's loving eyes, eyes that seemed to change color every one second, eyes that seemed to smile.

"I'm sorry." He whispered again.

"And I love you." I said into his ear.

I expected him to smile. But tears streamed past his face as he cupped my cheeks and kissed me again.

I was about to laugh at his clinginess. But the laugh never got out.

Sam pulled out a sharp netherite sword from my bleeding stomach. Blood pooled out and spilled over my pants. I couldn't breathe. I looked at Sam with the kind of betrayal of one's tired heart. Sam looked as if he was going to break down. I collapsed onto the cold floor and Sam fell down with me.

He cried out the ocean onto my non-moving shoulder.

I was about to close my eyes. But I kept them open to say one last thing.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I mumbled softly.

I closed my aching eyes, listening to Sam's wailing. I droned it out with a simple smile.

I'm sorry Sam, you never did anything wrong...


Word count- 820

did i make u cry??


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