We don't kiss...

5.3K 76 54

Ship: Dreamnap my beloved

Type: Smuttish (the vibe)

IB: the QNA Dream did (#AskDream)

Plot: Sapnap is telling everyone Dream and him kiss since they live together and Dream is denying it (in another words, lying) so Sapnap kissed Dream very...strongly and blah blah.

I'm getting bored of writing the plot ^^^

this is very short -w- sry


Dream sat on Sapnap's lap as he checked through Twitter. Sapnap was playing Minecraft with George and answering random questions. Sapnap jumped over a lava block as George read through one particular question.

" 'Hey sap!! and Dream and gogy I have a q, since you are living together, do you guys kiss?' " George read from a donation.

"Oh yeah! We kiss everyday!" Sapnap said in high pitched voice.

Dream looked up from his phone smiling in shock. He grabbed Sapnap's microphone and spoke into it. "Guys, that's not true."

The chat started to crazy.

BaeBae: wait was that dream??

Sappynappy: DREAM?

pogchamp123: pog.

"Sapnap, is Dream there?" George added with a laugh.

"Yeah~ He's sitting on my lap..."

The chat started spamming 'dreamnap' and 'pog'.

"No no, I just walked in my room and heard Sap say a lie, that's all." Dream lied through his teeth.

Sapnap shifted Dream so he was sitting on something very hard...

Dream went pink and went silent once he knew what it was.

"He's not telling the truth, chat. In fact, we have been making out every night." Sapnap giggled.

"WHAT?" Dream exploded. Sapnap grinned and coughed innocently. He grabbed Dream's chin and slammed his lips against the blonde's. Dream struggled for a nano-second but gave up and closed his eyes, leaning in against the touch. Sapnap slipped his tongue in and made a fake high pitched kissing sound. Even if they were dating, the duo did not want the world to know. Dream stifled a moan as he dropped his phone. He gasped quietly as moved to sit on his crotch. Sapnap muted himself and pulled Dream in for a kiss again. Dream curled his legs around Sapnap's waist and and wrapped his hands on Sapnap's neck. The blonde pulled himself closer as Sapnap slowly undressed the two of them. He pulled off Dream's boxers off in one slick motion and and grabbed some lube from his desk where he was streaming.


He was streaming. 

Sapnap grabbed the mic and unmuted.

"Hey guys. Sorry, Patches is acting up, be right back."

Sapnap muted and grinned at Dream who was pink in the face. The ravenette poured the lube on his fingers and slowly pushed them in, motivated by Dream's moans. Dream swayed and let out occasional moans. Sapnap moved his fingers freely and added a fourth one.

The blonde reacted by giving a loud gasp and squirming, kicking his legs slightly. The movement was ruined, though.

"Is Sap coming back? What's he doing, fucking Dream?" Three people had joined the call with George. Tommy, Punz and Bad.

George and Tommy gave a laugh and Bad muttered something about 'language.' There was a silence and theories started to pop up in the chat.

ItzPlayerz: What is hes actually fucking dream tho?

WilburSimp: that might be true lol

Sapnap scanned the comments before grabbing a tissue and wiping his fingers on it, unmuting himself.

"Sorry, guys. My pet is being a bit grumpy~" Sapnap added with a wink.

And he was. Dream slumped down with a frown, knowing his euphoria time had been cancelled.

Sapnap kissed Dream's cheek without a sound and motioned toward his neck. The blonde brightened up and leaned toward Sapnap's neck, giving small little licks and love bites. Sapnap tilted his neck farther up to give Dream more space to do his thing and continued playing Minecraft.


Word count- 669

Short. I know.

I wanted to get this out by by Thursday and so it is!

I've been a bit busy with School, (never knew Social Studies was this bad) and stuff.

I also wanted to thank you guys for 5k veiws! I meant to say my thanks for 4k but I didn't get the chance. Also a hundred votes! It'll also mean a lot if you follow, It gives my motivation to finish my stories :)

Love you all,


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