Broken Trust, Now and Forever (6)

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Ship: Dreambur

Type: Angst

Parts: 6/6 (FINAL PART!)

Did I say there would be a happy ending? Oops!

TW: Depression, Hinting towards suicide 

thank you guys so much who wanted to read this sad shit and motivated me to keep writing

i love you <3


A sigh could mean many things.

a sigh of relief,

a sigh of anger,

a sigh if exhaustion,

but one could never express these delicate strings all in one breath, all emotions cannot be possibly stuffed into one cramped exhale.

Even in the midst of flowing time, a sigh could not  be possible to accomplish vehemence.

Then why think when you could talk?

Are Dream's words useless even if he didn't speak?

Would it mean anything?

Is there a future with Wilbur and Dream together, happy, and loved?

Will they still exist in a world like this? 

Dream didn't know if he likes secrets. Or promises. 

And when they were broken?

Dream didn't feel sad, he didn't feel unhappy.

He was downhearted miserable.

Dream saw his trust break in front of him, he saw it shatter and fall to the ground, broken; forever. But there was a glinting flame in Wilbur's heart, blazing but weak. It spread like wildfire and was contagious. Wilbur was determined to bring back Dream.

"Leave me alone."


Dream's shaky but strong voice rang through the small cavern. Wilbur's was equally as strong. They had been sitting in silence as Dream nursed his wounds. It was awfully cold and Wilbur volunteered to cuddle with Dream to keep him warm but naturally Dream pushed him away.

The silence was loud and Wilbur was willing to break it. But to his surprise, Dream silenced the silence as he spoke.

"You lied." A simple statement. One that you hear everyday. Nobody could be wounded by two straightforward and uncomplicated words that barely meant anything.

But those words shot through Wilbur like an arrow. He would have happily crumpled to the floor and the arrow take his life as he bled to death. But Wilbur stayed still.

"I didn't." He said quietly, half hoping Dream didn't hear him.

"YES, YOU DID!" Dream rose to the floor, his ears ringing with disbelief and horrible, bursting anger.

Wilbur winced as he also stood up. "Dream..." He tried weakly.

But the blonde was turning red, screaming with rage and anger. "YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE!"

"Of course not! You are my night and day, the moon and the sun, you're everything to me, you are the most important person in my life, now and always."

"YOU TOLD ME," Dream took a heaving breath. "I WAS YOUR EVERYTHING! Your sun, your moon. You said you wouldn't leave me..."

Wilbur watched Dream silently, opening his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I was your everything! Most important person ever...and you were to me! I loved you more than anything, I would have fought for you, died for you, but you chose your stupid country!" Dream didn't care if he sounded like a brat. He didn't care if he sounded selfish. He didn't care if he was being dramatic or ignorant. He just didn't care.

"Why are you so stupid!? How did you become my lover?!" 

"I don't know how I became your lover! But maybe...that was a lie, maybe I do know! MAYBE BECAUSE I LOVED YOU! I'm sorry I'm soo stupid, I'm sorry that you were ASHAMED to be my lover!" Dream yelled, tears streaming  down his pink face.

"You shouldn't be sorry..." Wilbur whispered. "You're not stupid. I wasn't ashamed. I was angry, and I'm sorry, Dream. I'm sorry. Please. Forgive me." Wilbur fell to his knees Infront of Dream and clasped his hands together like someone praying. "You're not stupid. I love you. You are my sun, my moon, my stars and my universe. You are everything to me...and I can't lose you." Wilbur's hair fell into his eyes and lowered his head. "I love you, Dream."

Dream let out a hitched sob and fell to his knees to. He let his tears fall freely, only caring to feel Wilbur's familiar hands embrace him and pull him close.

"I love you too."

Wilbur reached out and pulled Dream into his arms, hugging him fiercly.

Dream sighed.

A tremendous weight lifted and Dream suddenly felt lighter than he had in days, even the days when he and Wilbur were dating. To tell the truth, even their relationship in L'manburg was shaky and wobbly. By ranting, Dream felt all those harsh memories of him crying and fighting with Wilbur wash away. He snuggled into his lovers arms, glad to be where he belonged.

The string that connected the two lovestruck duo together had been broken, and both of them watched it, doing nothing to help their broken relationship. They had walked away wordlessly, not caring to help. This was their doing. The two of them caused it.

But the string intertwined again, a knot stronger then life was made.

Dream and Wilbur hugged. It was a simple hug. But it felt good. It felt amazing. Simply wonderful

"Guys? You there?" A smooth British accent startled the hugging lovers.


"Saaaaapnaaaaap! I found them!" Tommy called.

"Where-?" Sapnap came running and crashed into Tommy who broke out in a string of swears. Sapnap ignored the foul words and teared up when he saw Dream. "Ah! There you are, I was so worried!"

Dream rolled his eyes but Wilbur gave a wry smile. "How'd you find us?"

Sapnap spoke with a brittle tone. "Got worried when Dre didn't come back. Contacted Tom here and he said you-" He pointed at Wilbur "-had left. Put two and two together and formed a search party. Glad to see your alive."

"Glad we're alive." Dream grinned weakly. Sapnap beamed back.

"We have to go tell the rest. Stay here, ooh, your wounds look deep, Dream. I'll call Niki." Sapnap and Tommy left.

Wilbur looked at Dream and kissed him. He pulled away and laughed. They both laughed until their stomachs hurt. It felt great to laugh.

It felt great to be together again.

Broken Trust, Now and Forever.

Broken Trust, Fixed to Stay Forever. 

The two young lovers trust would never be broken again.



word count- 1069

strange word...

hey! i love you, did you know that? now stop slumping like a question mark and sit straight! now smile. a big, huge smile. i know your not smiling. come on, show me those pearly whites!


thank you for reading my 6 part sad shit. it was cringe, i know.

have a good day


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