Stalker? Nah...Hot? Maybe...

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ty to xx_beany_xx fer da request.

i asked beany if i could change the ship to dreambur to dreamity. thank u again :] 

your request is my command, my child. smut you shall have.

also, sorry because i made quackity a bit of a...psychopath?? (they r dating tho)

naur we stan psychopath quackity, dont we children?🤧🤧🤧

tw: makeshift rope.  also in no way am i promoting stalking people! this is just fanfiction, pls dont take it as a "oh! quackity it stalking dream! lemme just go stalk my crush!!😍😘🥰🤩🥴"


Quackity didn't stalk Dream. Never. That was creepy. Creepy. Yes. Creepy.

Quackity didn't stalk Dream. He was merely following him in a weird manner. Quackity  himself was weary about people hurting Dream so he followed him. Not always...just a little bit...

So why when Quackity left, not even for ten minutes, was Dream talking to George?

Dream brushed his bangs out of his eyes and looked at George who was chatting with him. It was an intense conversation:  Did Sapnap look cute in a panda suit or just silly?

Dream said he look adorable, George disagreed.

"How could you? Sapnap looks beautiful, poetic, even!" Dream gasped.

"He looks weird though! He set fire to the suit, remember?" George argued.

"He didn't see how cute he looked, okay?!" Dream sniffed.


"You suck!"

"You're dumb!"

"You're dumber!"

"There! You admit you're dumb!"


Quackity grinded his teeth as he watched the two figures argue. How dare that such a pitiful life form like George had the audacity to speak to Dream?

How dare Dream? When Dream knew perfectly well that he belonged to Quackity!

Dream sniffed and stomped on George's feet. George yelped in pain and pushed Dream. They argued like toddlers and fought like the beasts.

Finally Dream drew his sword and George squawked upon seeing it. He scrambled to get his sword unsheathed but then discovered, unfortunately he didn't have it on him. He fled quicker than a rocket.

Triumphant, Dream put his sword away and started to skip his way to the shared house with Quackity and him.

Quackity snuck out of his hiding spot and began trailing after Dream quietly. He didn't call out, already knowing Dream had sensed him

The blonde turned around and broke into a smile. "Hi, Quackity!" He raced into Quackity's arms and hugged him.

When Quackity didn't return the hug, Dream looked up curiously, startled to see Quackity fuming.

"Quackity? You good?" Dream asked nervously.

Quackity glowered at Dream before suddenly picking him up over his shoulders.

"Wha- Put me down!" Dream yelled, kicking his legs.

"In a minute." Quackity whispered.


They arrived at the house. Quackity threw the door open and raced to their bedroom with Dream still on his back.

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