Just "Punish" Him

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Plot up there, don't really need to explain.

Yeh, I'm gonna take away the Trans! Dream AU because I don't really know how to execute that properly. It does not mean I do not support it!!! TRANS RIGHTs PPL

i also dont really know how to do master/mistress lol maybe i'll do it in the future :)

Ehm- So Dream and Fundy are still the same (Fundy-Furry Dream-Villain) but they act like streamers.

thank you Cotton_Candy_Nasty for the request, idk if i did dundy before so this'll be new.

TW: Sex Toys, Bondage (thank you for that Cotton) and Rope. If anything like this triggers you, I suggest you leave.


"Fundyy!" Dream yelled.

"Whaaat?" Fundy said, rolling his eyes.

"When're you gonna be done?" The blonde asked, toying with his fluffy hair.

"Coding? Three hours, or maybe two if I'm lucky." Fundy replied, his fast fingers flying over his keyboard.

"WHAT? Noooo-o-o-o..." Dream was sprawled over across the carpeted floor of the shared bedroom of Dream and Fundy. Fundy was coding a Minecraft mod for a video he was going to make. He large orange tail swished around when he got a good idea and he would quickly type it in as Dream moaned about being bored.

"Oh, shut up." Fundy growled.

"I wish Gogy was here." Dream said carefully.

Fundy didn't react.

"Or maybe Sappy. He knows how to have fun."

"Great." Fundy replied.

Dream rolled his eyes as he crawled away from Fundy and lying across another part of the floor. He balled up and bit his wrist hard. It left a mark and that was slowly turning purple. Dream hissed in pleasure and licked the injury slowly, savoring every moment. He sucked on the bruise and slowly shuffled back to Fundy, determined to show him the injury.

"Fundsss! Lookit!" Dream shoved his wrist into Fundy's face. "I hurt my hand!"

Fundy rolled his eyes and softly shoved him away. "I know you did that to yourself."

Dream stared open mouthed at Fundy and muttered curse words under his breath. After a while he turned his head and spat out a quick response. "And It felt good."

Fundy's ear twitched but he kept on working.

Dream was on his last string when he though a brilliant idea.

He bit Fundy's tail.

The orange haired furry gave a furious yelp and jumped into the air. He turned on Dream who was smirking and looking away innocently. Fundy shut his computer and stood up, walking towards Dream. He pinned the blonde to the wall.

Dream blushed and looked away, avoiding Fundy's eyes.

"You're a slut. A fucking slut. Know that, bitch boy?" Fundy asked, breathing down Dream's neck.

Dream nodded.

Fundy shoved his hand against Dream neck and started softly squeezing it.

"What was that, slut?" He said in a sing-song voice.

"Hahh..." Dream panted and licked his lips nervously. He was kind of excited on what Fundy would do.

The orange furry left Dream panting and crumpling down to the floor to get some...toys. 

Dream closed his eyes as he waited for Fundy.

Steps thumped on the floor and Fundy pulled Dream up. A bag hung from Fundy's arm and he slowly took something out of it. A long black rope.

Fundy dropped the bag to the floor and tied up Dream's hands. A blindfold slid onto Fundy's hand and he tied it behind Dream's like a bandana, not covering his eyes yet.

"You know the safe word, right?" Fundy asked carefully.

"Green, yeah." Dream replied, knowing full that he was not going to use it.

Fundy didn't reply, but he pulled the blindfold over Dream's eyes.

If Dream grinned, he wouldn't tell.

Dream felt his pants sliding off and something palming at his sensitive spot. A moment later, he felt himself off the floor and onto a chair. Fundy lifted Dream's arms over his head tied it to the chair. He did the same thing with his legs. Dream couldn't have gotten out if he wanted too.

His shirt was lifted off and a soft, wet tongue licked over past hickeys. Dream shivered in pleasure but he kicked his legs to get a move on.

Dream's boxers were torn off and something rough entered his hole.

Too small for Fundy  Dream decided But big enough.

The rough dildo pushed deeper inside of him, but Dream didn't flinch. He was wishing for the real thing.

Fundy must have gotten frustrated because all of a sudden, the dildo was withdrawn and plunged in deeper. Dream gasped. The dildo was pushed and withdrawn at a uncomfortable but pleasing pace and Dream barely got enjoy the pleasure before it got deeper. His thighs shook in gratification.

All of a sudden, the thrusting stopped and the sound of clicking erupted. Fundy groaned angrily. Dream cocked his head sideway, curious. The dildo was still deep in his ass and it caused satisfaction to move but something was holding it down. A deep vibration emitted and Dream moaned loudly. Fundy sighed, a smile to be heard.

Fundy pushed the vibrator/dildo deeper, presumably looking for Dream's prostate. He found it in record speed, because of Dream's yells. He plunged it in and almost took it back out before thrusting it in again. Dream arched his back every time the dildo came back. A warm feeling bubbled in his stomach and he sucked in a cool breath.

"Pl...ease... can I c-cum?" He gasped.

Dream felt the blindfold lift up and he blinked at the light, his eyes adjusting.

He saw Fundy arch his back as he teased himself with his finger, still holding the dildo. He let go of the dildo and mockingly put his hand up to his chin.

"I don't know, can you?" Fundy sniffed dramatically as Dream twitched.

The dildo was automatic.

"I love you. Tell me when you want to stop." Fundy said as he kissed Dream's head and left to go wash his hands.

"Oh, and by the way, don't ever bite me tail again, brat." 


Word count- 950


hows life? 

requests r still open!! thanks again cotton for the request.


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