Kill Me, Love Me... +bonus

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i mightve maybe some how forgot how to write bbhxdream :D idk how you even forget but now i'm doing sam x dream for this oneshot

i feel like i've painted sam in a bad light (see Warden's slave and Finally, your mines) but sam is actually a really awesome dude so for any sam x dream shippers out there, this ones for you!

(and this if fluff, if you didn't notice ;P)

ty Wearecomand228 for requesting and allowing me to change the ship!


Awesamdude sighed as he put down his pen. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and leaned back, his tired eyes aching. He reached up and gently took off the ruby crown he had wore proudly during his coronation. Sam's neck practically screamed in relief as the weight was taken off.

Your majesty this, Your highness that, could anybody take care of their own problems? Sam had a life, god damnit! 

Sam groaned as he picked up his pen and continued to write his letter. He wrote until his hand was sore and the pen was out of ink. Sam folded his finished letter into a neat envelope and put it on a heap of to-be delivered letters. But unfortunately, he had another pile of overflowing requests and letters waiting to be filled out. Sam's head ached just from the thought of it. His desk's window caught his attention as he noticed it was midnight. He could have sworn he had only begun in the late afternoon, but the moon was already quite brilliant.

Sam's throat felt dry as he tried to swallow. Everything hurt, he hadn't stood in hours. Sam pushed his chair back and stood up, stretching. He walked to his untouched bed, neatly made. Sam considered going to sleep and finally resting but he glanced at all his unfinished work and decided against it. Even if he finished it all, more would be delivered the following morning. He turned around and strode back to his office, where he resumed his torturous routine.


Dream almost lost his foothold on the wall tiles.

Only his right arm was keeping his entire body in place. Dream lost all sense of balance after unintentionally resting his foot on a fragile wall tile. Dream swung to get his grip back on the wall, cursing himself for being so irresponsible. He climbed once again after grabbing hold of a harder tile. His employer (think, Master) had to call him at dusk to "get rid" of one of his targets; why, oh why? Sincerely, why couldn't the boss kill King Sam personally if he wanted him dead so badly? Dream had been sleeping so little lately that he was prepared to let go of the palace's stony ledges. But he kept climbing.

Soon he was almost twenty feet off the ground. Dream's hands were cracked and blistered, he was panting for breath as his arms were were practically dead. He strained his head to look upward and found a window ledge. Dream slumped in relief and climbed even faster to get to the rest spot. He reached the window and slung his arm across the ledge of it and pulled himself up. He didn't care if anyone was occupying the room, he would just get rid of the person and keep going to kill the king.

Dream was ruthless when he was tired.

Dream sat down on the window ledge and thought about going inside. As he moved in closer, he was surprised to see that there was no glass, allowing him to enter the chamber with ease. He jumped off the ledge and entered the chamber.

It was a strange place with scattered papers and books. Dream moved forward and stepped on a single page that appeared to have been torn from a book. The blonde shrugged and cast a quick glance around for a comfortable seat. He came across a little, soft-looking bed and gave it a skeptical glance. Surely a brief pause wouldn't be harmful?

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