3- Bonnie

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Bonnie Shaw was just getting home, she unlocked her front door and walked inside. The smell of food invaded her sense as she closed and locked the door  back. Her four inch heels clacked against the tile floor heading to the kitchen.

She saw her husband sitting at the kitchen table with a plate of food in front of him and a glass of wine in his left hand. He looked up when he heard her enter the kitchen. A tight frown sat against his lips as he stared at his wife. "Hi hun," she greeted with a small smile.

"You were suppose to be home an hour ago, what happened?" He asked taking a sip of his wine.

"Had to grade papers, I lost track of time." She lied right through her teeth. The lie came out so smooth her husband didn't even catch it. He knew when his wife was lying but Bonnie was getting good at it. Her right eye no longer twitched whenever she lied.

Henry nodded his head, "are you hungry? I made you a plate—"

"I ate at work," she quickly cut him off. She opened a cabinet and grabbed a wine glass from the shelf. She picked up the bottle of wine and poured herself a glass full. Henry huffed, feeling like he wasted his time cooking a full meal.

"You could have mention that earlier when I texted and asked what you wanted to eat today.." Henry mumble but loud enough for Bonnie to hear.

"Don't start Henry, I said I ate already, get over it." Bonnie replied harshly, rolling her eyes.

"Don't start? I didn't do anything—" before Henry could finish his statement, Bonnie interrupted him rudely.

"Your whining, I call that starting with me." She spat rolling her eyes. Henry stared at her blankly then shook his head. "What? You got a problem?" Bonnie rolled her neck to look at him.

"Man, chill out." Henry waved her off not feeding into her negativity. She wanted to get a reaction out of him and he wasn't going to give it to her. This wasn't the first she made something bigger than what it was. She would even go as far as talking to him crazy.. like he was an enemy. He didn't like that at all. He had to walk on eggshells around her and let's not get into how she would get when he got to talking about his feelings.

"Don't tell me what to do," she replied slamming the wine glass onto the kitchen counter spilling some of the liquid in the process. Henry bit his tongue so hard he tasted blood. He held his comment back not wanting to provoke her. He drowned the rest of his wine and stood up from the table with his plate in hand. His tossed the paper plate into the trash and walked out of the kitchen.

She not finna ruin my night with that dumb shit.. he thought to himself heading into their bedroom to take a shower. Bonnie looked down at the clock on the microwave. She noticed it was going on nine o'clock. She walked down the hallway towards her daughter's room. She cracked the door open and peeped inside. Her daughter laid peacefully in her bed sound asleep. She smiled and closed the door heading into her room to grab some shower clothes.

Bonnie had it all if you ask me. A loving man, that cook, clean, and took care of his daughter faithfully. Henry didn't understand what he'd done to make Bonnie hateful towards him. The problem with Bonnie was nothing was ever good enough for her. She had a family that loved her, yet.. she wanted something else. She wanted to have fun and to have a life outside of her marriage.

That was the reason she was stepping out on her marriage. Bonnie would never admit it but she was a greedy woman. She wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She would purposely start arguments just to have a reason leave the house and go cheat on her husband. Bonnie was selfish and inconsiderate when it came to her marriage. She wanted out of her marriage but didn't have the balls to give up her perfect family.

As Bonnie stood in the shower letting the water hit against her skin, she couldn't help but wonder if Henry felt the same way she felt about their marriage but she wouldn't dare fix her mouth to ask. She stayed in the shower for another ten minutes before finally getting out. She dried off her body and got dressed in her night clothes. She grabbed her dirty clothes and put them in the hamper before leaving the bathroom. She made her way to the bedroom, walking inside she saw Henry sitting in the bed on his phone.

"Did you take off tomorrow to take Bri to her doctors appointment?" Henry asked.

"No, I have exams tomorrow, I can't take off." Bonnie lied easily.

"Really Bonnie? Your the one who said that you would take her.." Henry stated, frustration lacing his tone. He hated when she would go back on her word and she had been doing it a lot recently.

"I know but—"

"Your job is more important that your daughter, I get it." Henry chuckled bitterly.

"Don't you dare say that to me! My daughter means the world to me!" Bonnie voice raised as she pointed her finger in his face angrily. She felt he was taking it too far now.

"You always got some excuse when it comes to Bri, if you actually care about her, at least show it! You keep making promises you can't even keep and I'm not going to keep covering for you Bonnie! Your daughter misses you!" Henry stated fed up with her excuses.

"Okay, now your doing too much.. your acting like I'm not being a mother—"

"I never said that but you're starting to be a sorry excuse of one.." Henry spat making Bonnie gasp not believing the words coming out of his mouth. He didn't give her time to respond as he walked out of the room to avoid farther communication. Henry cared a lot about his daughter and was starting feel like Bonnie was putting everything before their daughter. That didn't sit well with him. In his eyes Briana always came first no matter what.

Bonnie stood rooted to her spot, she didn't even have the courage to go after him and force him to take back what he'd said. But your starting to be a sorry excuse of one.. his last words rung in her head repeatedly, making her feel guilty. Maybe I am being a bad mother.. maybe I do need to do better and be there for Briana more.. she thought to herself as she sat on the bed.

Henry was only gone for ten minutes before he came back. Bonnie was still sitting on the bed as he stood on the door with a sad smile. "I'm sorry.." he says making Bonnie look up at him. "I didn't mean that, I only took my frustration out on you and that wasn't right.." he apologized. Bonnie gave a small smile and stood up from the bed. She walked up to him and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"It's okay, you were right anyway.. I do need to spend more time with Bri.." she replied going to get in the bed. "And I will be taking Bri to her appointment." Henry smiled and nodded his head as he too got in the bed.

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