4- Tamika

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Tamika groaned as she puked up the rest of her food from earlier. Tears sat at the corner of her eyes as she tried calm her erratic breathing. Her head laid against the toilet seat, sweat pooling down her forehead as she rubbed her aching throat.

"What the fuck is wrong with me!" Tamika yelled to no one in particular. She was frustrated and confused. As she sat on her bathroom floor thinking about what could be wrong with her, Tamika heard the front door open. "Chloe, that's you?" She asked loud enough for the other person to hear her.

"Yeah!" Chloe shouted back seconds later. Tamika knew she was coming over, she just wanted to make sure no one was breaking in. "Where you at?"

"My bathroom," Tamika replied, hearing her near. Chloe walked into the bathroom before stopping in her tracks.

"Damn, you look like you're about to faint!" Chloe kneeled down beside her. "Don't worry I got the answer to all your problems." She beamed, searching through the grocery bag. Chloe pulled out a Clearblue Pregnancy test, making Tamika eyes widen.

"What! Why would you get me a pregnancy test? I'm not pregnant!" Tamika exclaimed so sure of her statement.

"You say that, but you been throwing up for the past week. You're throwing up now, also your mood swings have been giving me a whiplash.. so if your not pregnant that's great but we not going to avoid it like you haven't been showing symptoms." Chloe stated as she opened the test to read the description. "Pee on the stick then we wait about two minutes."

Tamika huffed, deep down she was dreading this moment. She knew Chloe was right.. she was showing symptoms of pregnancy but she wanted so badly for all this to be just some stomach flu but deep down a part of her knew..

Tamika took the test from Chloe's hand and sat on the toilet but not before flushing it. "Imma step out, you let me know when you are done." She said leaving out of the bathroom to go sit on Tamika's bed. Holding the test in her hand she stared down at it, tears threatening to release. She knew that if she was pregnant.. that meant it was Jalen's. He was the only person she had sexual intercourse with.

"Are you done?" Chloe asked from the other side of the door.

"Almost," Tamika lied, she was too busy in her thought. She pulled her pants down her legs and put the pregnancy stick underneath her. Positioning it correctly before peeing on the stick. Once she was finished, she wiped herself then stood from the toilet, flushed and washed her hands. "I'm done." She says.

Chloe wasted no time walking in. "If you are this will be great news—"

"If I am pregnant, you tell no one! Got it?" Tamika says turning to stare at her straight in the face. "I'm serious Chloe, this is not something I want to tell my family.. I'm not ready to hear my mom's mouth, you know how she is.. her and my dad."

Chloe face stretched in a awkward position as she thought about Tamika's parents, "yeah.. you right. I promise I want breathe a word of this."

"Not even to Kiya.. she talk too much and as soon as she gets mad at me, she running her mouth." Tamika says rolling her eyes at how petty Kiya really was.

"But she's our friend—"

"I'm starting to think she more of your friend than mines cuz' she be doing too much, y'all don't ever have a problem because she always picking with me like I did some to her."

Chloe couldn't even say anything, she knew Tamika was right. A part of her felt like Kiya was jealous of her own friend but Chloe always kept her feelings to herself, wanting to keep the peace. Sometimes Chloe didn't have a backbone to speak up and that's what Tamika didn't like. That's mainly why Chloe and Kiya didn't argue. Whenever Kiya was mad and took her frustration out on Chloe, she let her and never said anything.

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