8- Kimberly

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Kimberly sat in the parking lot of the hotel she was staying in and she pulled out the card Elijah had gave her yesterday, quickly dialing the number. "Emily's daycare, this is Raven how can I help you?" A lady spoke on the other line.

"Can I, um speak to the manger or owner?" Kim said hesitantly not knowing what to call his sister.

"Yes, hold on for a minute." The lady who's name was Raven put Kimberly on hold. She wasn't on hold for long before some on the other end spoke.

"This is Emily, how can I help you?" The sweet voice spoke through the phone.

"Hi, my name is Kimberly Ward, I was calling because I was told that you were hiring and was in need of some more staff." Kimberly spoke properly.

"Oh yes, I just fired a couple of people and I was looking for teachers. Do you have any experience with children?" Emily asked, she had decided to do an interview over the phone since she needed teachers asap.

"Well, not really but I am a single full time mom." Kimberly replied nibbling on her lip. As a child she grew up in the system. She had no mother or father to teach her things. She had no siblings, no family, she was alone in the world by herself.

Of course she met people as an orphan child, growing up in a home full of kids she didn't know. She created a bond with some of them but she learned being in that place, kids come and go, so she tried not to get attached to anyone. She had one friend in the system, her name was Morgan but she lost touch with her when Morgan was adopted. Morgan was like a best friend. The two did everything together. They fought for each other being in a home where kids always bullied her or tried to fight Kimberly. She learned to defend herself with the help of Morgan who never let her fight alone.

"Are you currently working?" Emily asked.

"No ma'am, I'm currently looking for a job to provide for me and my daughter though. I've never been a teacher or taught kids but I hope you give me a chance to prove to you that I can learn and be a good help to your daycare." Kimberly said making Emily smile.

"How about you come to the daycare and fill out a form for me, then we can talk a little more so I can get know you a little better." Emily replied and Kimberly smile while nodding her head as if Emily could see her. "Are you available today? I'm really in need of a teacher, we can do an in person interview right away if your okay with that?"

"Yes of course, I'll be there soon." Kimberly said as she started her car up. Emily said her goodbyes before they hung up the phone. Kim looked down at her gas hand and mentally cursed. Please let me make it to this daycare and back here safely, she prayed before pulling out the parking lot. She typed the address to the daycare into her google maps and followed the directions her phone gave her.

She made it to the daycare within ten minutes, and parked her car. Getting out she unbuckled Nova from her car seat and held her sleeping child in her arms. She walked inside the building looking around the spacious place. She walked toward the front desk. "Hi, I'm Kimberly and I'm here to meet with Emily."

A lady, with light mocha skin, and her hair in a sleek ponytail looked up from her computer and smiled. It was the same girl she talked to on the phone, she had recognized her voice when she spoke. "Okay, let me get her for you." She picked up the phone and paged Emily to let her know that Kimberly was here. While she did that, Kim looked around the beautiful place. From the pictures to the quotes on the wall, this place was honestly nice and inspirational.

"Kimberly," her name was called and she quickly turned around to see the female version of Elijah. She quickly snap out of the shock she was in and introduced herself.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you." Kimberly said sweetly as she shook Emily's hand.

"Let's get down to business shall we?" Emily spoke clasping her hands together. She turned and motioned for Kim to follow her into her office. They took a seat and Emily took out some papers and placed them in front of her. "These are forms that I need you too fill out, and I will also need your social security numbers so we can do a back ground check on you."

Kim nodded her head as she grabbed the pen from Emily and read over the forms before filling them out. "Also by you working here, your daughter gets to have a spot in my daycare."

Kimberly smiled, this was what she needed, a place for her daughter. Kim could not afford daycare for her daughter anymore and she couldn't keep letting her nice neighbor watch her daughter every time she was working. Her neighbor always insist that she didn't mind because her grandkids didn't come around since her kids lived in another state. She enjoyed Kimberly's respectful daughter. The little girl was only three but boy was she intelligent for her age. "Okay, that's good, when can I start?" Kimberly asked.

"Once your back ground check comes in, you'll be able to start on Monday." Kimberly nodded her head with a big smile on her face. She had finally found her a job and now she could properly take care of her daughter.

"Okay, thank you so much I really appreciate you for giving me a chance." Kimberly replied as she stood up to shake Emily's hand.

"Of course, I love your positive attitude and I think that's just what we need in my daycare." Emily stated with bright smile on her face. "You have a good day Ms. Ward and I'll see you Monday!" Emily said waving goodbye as Kimberly walked out with smile that couldn't be erased from her face.

When Kimberly got outside she did a little happy dance. "Mommies got a job!" She said to her sleeping daughter as she buckled her up in her car seat. Getting back inside the car she started her car up and drove back to her hotel. It was now going on six in the afternoon as she parked her car in same spot she recently parked in.

She got out her car and went grab her daughter who was still asleep. She felt Nova stir in her sleep before she eventually woke up. She continued to lay against her mother's chest as Kimberly walked up the stairs to their hotel room. She used the key card to get inside, letting the door close and lock, she looked down at her daughter in her arms. "Nova baby I gotta put you down, you're getting too big for mommy to carry around all time." She placed her daughter on her feet.

"Okay mommy, I go watch doc." She says walking over to the table to grab her tablet. Kimberly watched as her daughter place the tablet on the couch and climbed onto it sitting down comfortably before picking her tablet up and expertly clicking on YouTube. Luckily, what Nova was looking for was the first thing that popped up in her watch later suggestions. Clicking on an episode of Doc McStuffins, she relaxed herself and got distracted in her favorite show.

Kimberly chuckled and walked over to the mini fridge, opening it. "You want corn dogs, Nova?" Kimberly asked looking back at her daughter who was in grossed in the tv show. "Nova?" Kimberly called again.

The little girl looked up and smiled, "yes mommy?"

"Do you want some corn dogs?" She asked again, and Nova perked up, nodding eagerly. "You want two?" She asked.

"Yes," she replied politely before going back to watch her show. As Kimberly prepared her daughters food she couldn't help but wonder how she could come up with more money. She knew the money she had left was only enough for two more days so she had to figure out away to find them shelter before their two days were up.

A spark of motivation radiate from deep within her as she thought of ways to make sure the two of them were good. She was determined to make sure her and Nova remained sheltered, even if she had to put her pride aside and ask for help.

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