9- Bonnie

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All Henry could hear was his heart beating out of his chest as he started to panic. "Briana!" He called for his daughter as he unbuckled his seatbelt to get out the car that was now upside down. When he successfully unbuckled his seatbelt, he fell on his head and flipped over. "Bri?" He called again receiving no answer. He was in a lot of pain but he didn't care his main focus was his daughter.

He kicked at the door on his side as he trying to get out. When the door finally fell off he quickly got out so he could get his daughter out. He pulled at the back door with all of his might finally getting it open. When he saw his daughter, tears immediately began to fall from his eyes as he unbuckled her seat belt to get her out. He pulled her out the car and laid her on the ground trying to check her pulse but he couldn't. His fingers were shaking too much for him to see if his daughter was alive and it frustrated him.

"Hey! Are you okay?" A stranger called out to them. Henry looked up at the guy with tearful eyes.

"No, my daughter I don't know if she's breathing, can tell me if she's b-breathing please." Henry begged the guy who squatted down and did as Henry asked.

"She's breathing, its faint, but she breathing." He told Henry who nodded his head with a sign of relief, then it hit him. "My wife," he quickly stood and crawled his way back into the car. Bonnie laid upside down unconscious with blood dripping from her nose as Henry unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her out of the car. He held her and laid her beside their daughter.

"Check her pulse for me please," Henry was still shaking badly so he couldn't see if Bonnie was still alive. The guy moved to Bonnie and checked her pulse. The fear of his daughter and wife dying was making it harder for him to control his emotions. All he could think about was how all this was his fault.

"She's breathing," he assured him. Henry was about to pull his phone from his pocket to call for help but before Henry could do anything, he started to hear the ambulance sirens and thanked god.

     Bonnie's eyes opened and she groaned when she felt the pounding in her head, she closed her eyes to relieve some pain. When she reopened them she looked around the room trying to figure out where she was. She sat up in the bed, noticing she was in a hospital. That's when everything hit her, and she grasped her chest. "Oh my god." She began taking the IV out her arm so she could get out the bed.

Just as her feet touched the floor, she fell to the floor not being able to feel them. A nurse and a doctor came into the room after being alert that she was out of bed. "Wait, my daughter, my husband, are they okay?" She questioned as they put her back in the bed, hooking her back up to the IV. "Please, are they okay?"

"They are fine, good thing you guys had on your seat belts otherwise you probably would have had a lot more injuries or worse, you would be dead." The doctor said with all seriousness. "Your husband only had a minor head injury but he was able to save you and your daughter and get you out the car safely." The doctor explained what was told to him by Henry himself. "Your daughter doesn't have any broken limbs she only has minor injuries as well, but she is okay and is sleeping at the moment."

"And my husband? Where is he?" Bonnie asked.

"He should be on his way to your room, I have some news that I want to discuss with you guys." The doctor said just as there was a knock on the door. Henry walked through the door with big bandaid on his head and a few dried up cuts on his face from the window glass. He looked over at Bonnie and gave her a small smile as he went to stand at her side.

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