18- Bonnie

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Henry sat looking at nothing in particular. His mind was on everything that had happened two weeks ago and it was starting to piss him off. How could she do this to him? How could she fuck up their marriage and have the nerve to blame it on him. How could she do this to him when he did nothing but love and take care of her. There was never a time where she struggled because he took care of them.

He was a good husband to her and he couldn't understand why she would mess it up. If she felt like he was lacking in areas, why didn't she tell him? Yeah, it would have bruised his pride but he would have did what he had to do to make her happy.

Henry sat at a local bar downing drinks. This was an everyday thing now and he didn't seem to mind. He liked drinking away the pain, it made him feel a lot better but he knew it wouldn't last. He didn't care though, long as it gave him that temporary feeling that he wished would stay around, he was fine with drinking his life away.

"Back again, huh?" Looking off to his side he gave the lady a lazy smile. Coming to the same bar almost everyday, you were bound to meet the same person. The two bonded over the events that had taken place in their lives.

"Yeah.." he trailed off while shrugging his shoulders. Henry picked up his drink, and downed it within a minute. He felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders and he didn't want to feel that way, so he drunk his problems away.

"How's everything?" She asked taking a seat beside him. "Hey, John, get me the usual and get him another drink." She said pointing at Henry.

"The same," he said keeping it short. He really wasn't in the mood to talk about his feelings.

"Oh," she said catching on to his tone. The bartender sat their drinks down in front of them as they sat quietly. "I don't know if you remember—"

"April," he said before she could finish her sentence. He smiled as he took a sip of his drink. This was his third drink and he could feel the alcohol. "I'm good with names, love."

Smiling, she took a sip of her drink. "Why are you here every night?"

"...trying to forget," he spoke truthfully. "Why are you here every night?"

"Just to get away," April replied back. "When you live alone... it gets lonely."

"And your thoughts start to consume you," he continued for her. April nodded in agreement. "So you look for a temporary fix to stop thinking about it." Henry finished.

"You know.. a temporary fix doesn't have to be drinking every night." April replied biting her lip slightly.

Henry caught on and shook his head no, "I'm still married, I don't think—"

"But you two are separated and you're getting a divorce.." April tried to reason as she stepped into Henry's personal space.

The red bottoms on her feet gave her extra height so Henry had to look up at her. Wrapping one arm around his neck, she let her hand travel down his toned chest before caressing his thigh. "There's nothing wrong with having fun for the night." She said, inching closer to his lips.

Henry's heart was beating out of his chest. He didn't know what to do. Part of him didn't want to go through with having sex with another woman but another part was telling him "fuck it and have fun." Letting go of his seat that he was gripping onto, he let his hands grip her thigh when he felt her lips touch his.

Her lips felt foreign on his but he was too drunk to care. "C'mon," she pulled away and motion for him to follow her. Biting his lip, he looked around the almost empty bar before standing up and following April out the bar. "Where is your car?"

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