11- Kimberly Part (1)

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Kimberly stood in the front of her class with a smile on her face. She watched the toddlers run around and play with each other.

Her eyes scanned the room before they fell on a little boy in the corner playing by himself. She made her way to the little boy. "Hi Darius," Kimberly greeted with a sweet smile. He looked up and gave a toothy grin.

"Hi," he replied waving shyly.

"What are you doing?" She asked even though she already knew but she wanted Darius to get use to her being their teacher. Kimberly had only been working in the daycare for a week. The kids got use to seeing her around but wasn't too fond of her like most teacher. Darius on the other hand liked Kimberly.

"Playing blocks, you play with me?" He asked with a smile on his face that Kimberly couldn't say no too. Not that she would anyway..

Nodding her head she sat next to him and for the next thirty minutes the two of them played with blocks. Having a kid made it a little easier for Kimberly to connect with the children but she also knew every kid wasn't the same. Every child had a different personality and she was determined to learn and work with the kids better to be the best teacher she could be.

After she played with Darius, she played with a few more kids until it was nap time. Sarah, another teacher in her class turned on the radio and sweet lullabies played through the speaker lowly as Kimberly helped the kids onto their mats.

Since she was a new teacher and still in training, Emily had Sarah in Kim's class to train her for the next week until Kimberly felt more comfortable being alone. "Hey Kim!" Raven whispered yelled from the door of the classroom.

Turning around she spotted the black haired lady and made her way towards her. "Wassup?"

"Sooo.. there's a—"

"No," Kimberly said before she could even finish her sentence. Raven's mouth fell open in shock not expecting her to be so quick to answer.

"You don't even know what I was gonna ask.." Raven pouted playfully.

"To go to Emily's party tonight.. that sounds fun and all but I have a four year old with no babysitter so I'll sit this one out." Kimberly replied. She had overheard Marley; a daycare teacher discussing it with another teacher as she was walking by a classroom.

"It's not a party, just a little gathering with friends and Emily's daughter, Ellie will be there so Nova won't be the only kid." Raven says, noticing how Kimberly's face scrunched up a little.

Since Kimberly started working at the daycare, her and Raven had become friends. Raven had even went as far as giving Kimberly a temporary place to stay in her apartment until she saved enough money to get her own place. Although, Kim was a little skeptical about how kind Raven was, she took the offer knowing Raven was her only option.

Raven was an exceptional house host, she was sweet, cooked breakfast every morning for them and even started taking Kimberly to work since her car broke down a couple days ago.

Kimberly told Raven that as soon as she was on her feet and stable, she would pay Raven back for her kindness but Raven only waved her off. She honestly didn't care about the money.. she knew that it's not many people who would help someone in need she didn't mind helping Kimberly. She only wish there were more people like her willing to help others like Kimberly.

"And you're sure Emily would be okay with Nova coming?" Kimberly asked again to be sure. Emily was a sweet boss, and was always helping out the teachers and not just sitting behind a desk. When a teacher called out sick, she never called for a substitute, instead she watched the class herself.

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