||You Have My Heart Part-2||

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"We will find her murderer. I promise you. I'll find her murderer and give him the worst punishment," Asher promised me, taking my hands in his and caressing mine, looking at me in concern.

Her murderer is in front you, the person you love.

I wanted to say this but I kept mum selfishly. A tear escaped from my eyes as I stared into his concerned eyes which were worried about me.

I wrapped my arms around him, blankly, emotionlessly. With her murder, I felt like I truely killed the leftover human inside me.

He took me home straight then went back to investigate the murder of that Senate Member and Noorah with police. Dad wasn't home, other than few servants and security guards, no one was home. I locked myself in my dark room and sat in the corner, pulling my legs to my chest and my head leaned against the wall.

Her pleas and terrified eyes were flashing in my mind, tormenting me, killing another sane piece of my brain.

I sat there motionlessly, just breathing and blinking for a very long time. Even when there was a knock on the door for the lunch and dinner call, I didn't move. Even when my phone rang, I didn't move to see the Caller ID or answer it.

When my brain finally became a bit alive, I got up quickly only to fall back. With the support of the wall, I walked weakly but quickly to my closet and took my 9mm pistol which I never used against anyone.

I hid it in my bag and stepped out of my room, trying to adjust my sight in light, feeling dazed. With lightheadedness, I went to my car and got inside.

I didn't know how I drove the car feeling all dizzy without any accident. For me and the people on the road, it should be a miracle that we all were left alive.

When I reached my destination, I didn't wait for guards to open the door completely and drove straight inside, hitting the door with the edges of my car.

Once I was inside, I took my 9mm pistol from my bag and entered straight inside the house.

There he was sitting in front of me, taking long drags of his cigar. I pointed my pistol at him but he just glanced at me and in a quick nano second, his men all surrounded me with their guns aiming at me.

It wasn't his time yet but what I had done due to him and what he caused me, I couldn't stop myself.

"Pull the trigger, daughter."

I hated what he called me and it made me feel disgusting for sharing the same blood with him.

"Oh yes! Before you pulled this trigger. Let me give you a surprise," He chuckled, picking his phone from the table and dialed a number then put it on speaker.

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