||The Past Which Bound Them||

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||Zunaira, Yaqub and Naila from Her Arrogant Beast||

||Zunaira, Yaqub and Naila from Her Arrogant Beast||

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||The Past Which Bounded Them||

The clock was striking twelve in the midnight and everyone was sleeping in the house except one person, Zunaira

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The clock was striking twelve in the midnight and everyone was sleeping in the house except one person, Zunaira. It had been three days since she heard properly from her husband, Yaqub. He just sent her a message in the morning that he was coming home tonight but he wasn't here till now.

Zunaira was pacing in the hall anxiously and in concern as she waited for Yaqub. Their five years old son, Arash Ali, was also not sleeping but Zunaira had to force him to sleep. Zunaira held her hairs and made a loose bun.

Suddenly, the door of the house opened and Yaqub stepped inside with a straight face. Zunaira quickly looked at him and smiled in relief to see her husband safe and sound in front of her. But what she didn't know was her best friend, Naila, stood behind her husband nervously. Slowly, Naila stepped beside Yaqub and stood beside him, in front of Zunaira.

Zunaira’s smile turned into a confused frown when she saw Naila in a bridal attire. Zunaira stared at Naila in confusion who was looking down in embarrassment and fear. Zunaira looked at Yaqub in fear and many scary and fearful thoughts ran in her brain which was making her heart beat fast.

“Why is she in bridal attire?” Zunaira asked Yaqub, slowly and stared at the red dupatta of Naila on her head and white Nikkah dress of Naila.

“Yaqub, I asked you something,” Zunaira said in shaking voice which held fear when no one answered.

“Naila?” Zunaira called Naila but she was looking down in fear and was tensed.

“I married her,” Yaqub said without beating the bush and straightly.

Zunaira stilled on hearing those three words from her husband who was the pride crown of her head. She felt her world shattered by those three words but she quickly shook her head and wiped her tears which flowed without her knowledge.

“You are joking? Right? I know you are making me fool but I am not going to trap in your this stunt,” Zunaira said with a laugh and tried to tell herself whatever Yaqub said was a joke.

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