Sword Loser

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Scene opens on the home of the Cosmic Powers, a towering palace seemingly floating on clouds against a blue-black expanse of stars and blue-green aurora.

HUGGINS: Okay, Huggins. Lord, I come with news of the Shisno. [More confidently.] Lord, I come with news of the Shisno. [Quietly.] Lord, I come with-- [Louder.] Dad, I--fuck! I come with news of the Shisno!

ATLUS: We are waiting.

HUGGINS: I've made progress, Lord Atlus!

ATLUS: Ah! You've smashed them to dust!

HUGGINS: I don't have hands, my Lord.

ATLUS: Then why even bother standing before me?

HUGGINS: I can't actually stand, Lord Atlus?

GENKINS: You too?! I can't stand him either!

HUGGINS: I have spoken to the Shisno, Your Mightiness, and--

ATLUS: You what?

HUGGINS: We--uh, we had a chat?

ATLUS: A what?

HUGGINS: A chat? A chit-chat?

ATLUS: You spoke with the Shisno?

GENKINS: Oh, this is going to be good!

HUGGINS: I had no choice, Lord Atlus. We can't harm them, and they--they don't know what they're doing! I-I thought we could reason with them--

MUGGINS: You speak to the Cosmic Powers, flashlight! These mortals are insects to be stepped on, not debated.

HUGGINS: You look like a flashlight too, but whatever. Please! Lords! Ladies! It is hard to swallow. The truth often is. To save ourselves, we must invite the mortals to parlay and convince them to stop. If I am mistaken, Lord Atlus, I welcome your punishment.

ATLUS: [Growls.] Ahh! I must think. [Rises and starts to leave.]

KALIRAMA: You better not go off turning into a swan.

ATLUS: [Waves hands.] Oh, you mean my ONE OUTLET! Why even be "God of Gods"...?!

The scene turns to a night sky, panning to a bright moon. A bolt of blue energy strikes it.

ATLUS: [Hurling blue lightning at the moon.] Hahh! Zap! Shazam! Lightning bolt! Zanzibar! Boom-shaka-laka! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

KALIRAMA: [Approaching from behind.] So this is where you go.

Camera zooms out to a small structure seemingly floating in space, with a wide balcony on one side, where Atlus and Kalirama now stand.

ATLUS: I do not speak to mortals.

KALIRAMA: As Goddess of Death, nothing would please me more than to annihilate these Shisno. But as Goddess of War, I feel our best strategy is diplomacy.

ATLUS: Diplomacy! I could uproot a tree with one eyelid!

KALIRAMA: Which is impressive and utterly irrelevant, dear. It feels dirty, but we must... entertain these mortals.

ATLUS growls.

KALIRAMA: Also... Huggins has not gathered all of the mortals. We must... convince these three to allow us an audience with the others.

ATLUS: Rahh!

Atlus fires a bolt straight from his forehead at the moon, shattering it on one side. Then he starts weeping.

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