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New story!
Let me know what you think; if most of you like it, I'll continue writing it...


Josie knocks on the door, hearing a joyous, "Come in," from the other side of the door.

She smiles sweetly before turning the knob and pushing the door open.

The sight she sees on the other side is breathtaking and awe-striking.

Her auburn-haired friend, Hope, stands surrounded by her aunts and uncles, Rebekah, Marcel, Freya, Kol, Davina, and Keelin. Present are also some of Hope'es best friends. MG, who is also Hope's cousin, Marcel and Rebekah's adoptive son. Kaleb. And Lizzie, who also happens to be Josie's fraternal twin sister.

The auburn haired girl is beaming as she looks to her brunette friend/classmate in the doorway. They met in college, both earning their bachelor's degrees in BioChemistry. Hope double majored in business as well. They're currently in med school together, with big aspirations for their futures. And this wedding happened to be a part of Hope's plan.

Hope wears an elegant grey suit, custom made specifically for her wedding day. Her makeup is done to perfection, as is her wavy hair, long enough to reach her chest.

"Wow, you look..." Josie puts her fingers to her lips as her eyes study the bride-to-be.

She's speechless.

She gestures to Hope, "Wow."
She can't seem to find another word to describe her right now.

Hope wears her infamous smirk while Lizzie squeals, "I know! She looks so good! My best friend is getting married! I'm gonna go grab us some more champagne!" She squeals again as she pulls Hope into a brief, tight hug.

Once she's out of the room, Hope's family busies themselves with finishing touches, fixing their suits, dresses and makeup, giving Hope and Josie a semi-private moment.

Hope teases, "Thank you for taking your nose out of your textbooks to come to my wedding."

Josie rolls her eyes, "Well, you came to my wedding, so it seemed fair."

Hope laughs sweetly.

The sound instantly makes Josie's smile widen.

Hope eyes her endearingly, as Josie looks almost bashful, "You look beautiful."

Josie's cheeks warm and she lets out a soft chuckle.

The stunning woman in her wedding attire is calling her beautiful.

"Thank you, Hope. So do you."

Hope smiles, stepping closer to Josie and placing a soft hand to her stomach, "And so does baby Andrea," Hope adjusts her pants, lowering herself to a squat in front of the brunette as she brings her lips to Josie's stomach before talking sweetly to her small belly, "How's Mommy treating you, love?"

Josie smiles lovingly and chuckles, "What makes you think I'm naming her after you?"

Hope defensively replies, "It's just a suggestion. Although, it would be a great wedding gift." She shrugs nonchalantly as she stands back up to her feet with a small smirk.
Josie laughs, shaking her head.

She reaches up, her hands running against the material draped around Hope's neck, beginning to tie it for Hope, "Is this the tie I suggested?"
She already knows the answer, but she is a bit surprised.

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