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"I can't believe I let a six-year-old blackmail me," Hope says in annoyance as she sits with Josie and the two kids in the airport.

Pedro shrugs, "I saw my shot, and I took it."

Josie crosses her arms, turning to Hope, "You're the one who got us into this mess."

"This wasn't part of the deal," Hope counters.

"Okay, listen. My tolerance for these little shenanigans is up to here right now," She gestures with her hand, "And it if gets up to here," She moves her hand higher, "I'm taking my kids, I'm selling you out, and I'm going home."

Maya returns from the little shop with a magazine, smiling widely, "I am so happy we're doing this, Hope."

Josie wants to laugh and tease Hope about how it's Seventeen magazine, but she holds back.

Hope smiles, "Are you kidding me? We're going to Hawaii, we're going to swim with dolphins. It's gonna be so much fun. I was just telling my boy," She says excitedly. She stands to her feet, stepping closer to Maya and bringing her voice down, "And hopefully we're gonna have some alone time together, right?"

Maya grins at the suggestion and leans in, but she pauses when they hear a shout.

"Wait! Wait!"

And another voice, "Hope, wait for us!"

Josie stands to her feet, eyes wide at the sight of her sister and MG, both rolling suitcases as they run over to them.

MG immediately goes up to Josie, bringing their lips together as Josie closes her lips tightly together, grabs him by the throat and pushes him away.

He pulls away, pushing up his fake glasses, "Sugarplum, I could not stand to be without you."

Josie muffles a groan, turning to Hope as her eye begins to twitch.

Hope just looks between her cousin and the blonde, "Okay, I'm confused right now."

MG replies, "I'm so sorry. I have not introduced myself personally. I am Bruce." Maya smiles widely, but Hope furrows her eyebrows at him, "Alyssa's man friend/love monkey," he clarifies.

Josie mumbles with an eye roll, "Kill me now."

Maya seems thrilled though, "Alyssa said you had to stay back and work."

"Ah, I can work when I'm dead."

Maya turns to the blonde, "And you are...?"

Lizzie pulls out her own magazine, "Lizzie Saltzman. I'm the nanny." Hope is relieved, at least she doesn't have to remember another fake name.

Maya looks between all of them, "You know, I think this is so great of you all. So mature. I would've loved if my parents had done something like this when they got divorced."

Hope nods, going along with it, "Yeah, that's why I was thinking we should have him come along." Josie narrows her eyes at the auburnette.

MG grins, seeing that his attempt was successful, "It's important for the children to see us as a unit. And also I can't away from this one," he gestures toward Josie, "She loves the schnitzel, if you know what I mean." He turns to Josie, sticking out and wiggling his tongue suggestively.

Josie glares at him and grabs the muscle roughly, earning a muffled groan from him, "You know what? Tongue feels a little dry, let's go get you some water," She drags him away by his tongue. When they are a safe distance away she releases him, wiping her hand on his shirt, "Ew! What are you doing here?!"

"I don't know, saving the day, helping—"

"Who are you talking to? What are you looking at?" Josie cuts him off as he's talking past her, not to her.

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