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Sorry in advance...I tried to keep it brief for you all..


Josie sighs as she walks back into her suite, followed by MG, "I'm gonna go shower. Goodnight."

"I though we were having—"

"Absolutely not," Josie grimaces as she walks toward her room, mumbling, "Gross."

She furrows her eyebrows when she enters her room, seeing Andrea waiting on her bed.

"Honey? What are you doing in here? You're supposed to be in bed," She quickly discards her upset expression, not wanting her daughter to worry.

Andrea sits up with a wide smile, "Did you tell her?"

Josie's even more confused at that as she goes to sit on the edge of the bed to remove her heels, "Tell who what, sweetheart?"

Andrea moves to sit by her mom, "I heard you leave the room, so I thought you were going to tell Dr. Hope that you wanted her to stay with you."

Josie turns to her daughter, tilting her head, and she questions, "Why would I do that?"

Andrea shrugs, "Because you love her, Mommy. Don't you?"

Josie deflates a bit as she lets out a soft sigh, "Of course I do, sweetheart. Hope's been in my life for a long time and she means a lot to me, but—I was just going to tell Dr. Hope congratulations. That's it," Josie doesn't want to explain her feelings for her boss to her daughter.

Andrea looks to her mother, confused, "What for?"

"Because, she..is getting married tomorrow, to Maya," Josie looks away from her daughter, not wanting her to see the hurt in her own eyes.

Andrea is even more confused, for some reason, "Why?"

"Well, because she loves Maya, and they want to be a family," Josie tries to explain simply, but Andrea doesn't seem to understand any more.

"But, I thought Hope loved us? Why can't she just be a part of our family?"

Josie turns to her daughter, heartbroken at her words and at seeing her upset expression, "Oh, honey, Hope does love you, very much. She loves all of us. But life, sometimes, it isn't that simple. And Maya makes Hope really happy, remember? That's why we're here on this trip. We want Hope to be happy, right? And Maya's a nice girl, she's great for Hope...Hope just—we need to let her figure out this stuff with Maya on her own."

Andrea only shrugs, looking down at her lap while Josie tries to comfort her, "That's what she said about you and Dad."

Josie furrows her eyebrows, "She said that about me and your father?"

Andrea nods, still looking down.

Josie sighs, swallowing back her own emotion as she leans down to kiss the top of her daughter's head, "It's getting late, honey. Lets get you back to bed—"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Josie gives her a weak smile, "Of course you can," Josie stands and picks up her daughter to move her toward the head of the bed to lay her down, "I'll be right back, I need to take a quick shower."

Andrea nods as Josie covers her up with the sheets before grabbing some clothes and heading toward the bathroom.


As Maya goes through her dresses she packed, trying to pick which white sun dress she'll wear for their wedding, Hope stands beneath the shower head, letting the water run down her body as she takes a deep breath.

I guess she didn't feel the same way, or else she would've told me not to go through with this. Right?

She hardly notices when the shower door opens and she's joined in the shower, until she feels arms wrap around her from behind, not belonging to the woman she thinks of though.

She feels a pair of lips on the back of her shoulder, and she can feel the smile Maya wears.

"I can't believe we'll be married tomorrow," Maya says dreamily, beaming as she leaves another kiss against Hope's skin.

"Me neither," Hope agrees.

But, Maya is happy.

And she's a great girl, and Hope is fairly happy with her. This could be a great thing. They've had a connection. They can have kids. They can travel. Whatever they want.

Nothing could happen between her and Josie.

They work together. They've been best friends for years. Josie has a family she has to worry about. It would be a bad idea to even go down that road. Josie clearly doesn't feel the same. It wouldn't work. There's a reason nothing has ever happened between them.

"I love you," Maya whispers to her.

This is a good thing, Hope tries to convince herself.

So, with that in mind, she turns around to face the brunette, bringing their lips together heatedly, relieving as much of the pent up tension and frustration she felt earlier with someone else, as she pushes her fiancé against the shower wall, making her let out a gasp at the coldness of the wall and the sudden force.

And as Hope begins leaving a trail of kisses down her neck, she only allows herself to focus on brunette colored hair and tanned skin.


After her shower, Josie gets dressing into her pajamas and makes her way back into her bedroom, where Andrea lays with her eyes closed, so Josie assumes she fell asleep already.

Josie slips under the sheet carefully, leaving a light kiss to her daughter's forehead before turning out the lamp and turning on her side, facing the opposite direction.

But a moment later, she feels her daughter shuffling, and just as she's about to turn over to check on her, she feels a small arm wrap around her, her daughter holding her sweetly, "I'm sorry about Dr. Hope, Mommy."

And suddenly, Josie's frown turns into a small smile.

Hope was right, I am doing a great job raising these kids.

She turns around to face her daughter, letting out a small sigh,"Hey, Mommy is going to be just fine. I'm happy as long as I have you and your brother. You know that."

Andrea nods, "I know. But you're allowed to still be upset, Mommy. That's what Dr. Hope says, you can be sad and be strong too."

Josie grins weakly, "Dr. Hope is pretty smart, huh?"

Andrea giggles a bit, "Sometimes," she jokes, making Josie laugh a bit too, until Andrea perks up at a thought, "Hey, we can go get some ice cream to make you feel better!"

Josie shakes her head as she chuckles again, "Nice try, sweetheart. You and I are going to sleep."

Andrea giggles too, "Worth a shot," She snuggles into her mother, "Love you, Mommy."

Josie kisses the top of her head, "I love you too, baby."

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