Part 19

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 Kaia POV

I was listening to every word he said. Maybe Sam was right do need to take a break from hunting.I feel asleep with Sam's arm wrapped around me protectively. I felt terrible, about myself. Should I just stop hunting for good? That was the only life I knew, the only one I lived. What would I do with my life. i stared at the wrap over my wrist. I heard Sam's soft breathing and sighed. I slipped away but Sam caught my hand.

"Kaia just please stay," Sam said.

"I need a drink," I said. He let go of me but started to get up. "Sam you can stay, I'm fine."

"No," he said.

"Please, just relax," I said.

"You want me to relax. The girl I love most in the world almost killed herself. All because I wasn't there for you. I let other people blind me to what was going on. There is no way in Hell I'm going to relax," Sam said.

I looked down and walked back over. I hugged him as he kissed the top of my forehead. Sam held me.

"Let's get you that drink," he said.

We walked down the stairs as he followed behind me. I grabbed two shot glasses and some whiskey.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"I need to relax," I said taking a shot.

Sam took the bottle after I took my second shot. "You said you wanted a drink."

"That is a drink," I said, then I realized something. "You're pitying me."

"Kaia no I'm not," Sam said.

"Sam, yes you are. I'm fine," I said walking away.

"Wait just listen to me," he said.

"Sure maybe a little but can you blame me?" Sam said. "I care about you. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"That wasn't me," I said. "Lucifer was,"

"I know, but," he started. But I went upstairs. I opened my journal and tomorrows date was circled. I needed some time to hunt on my own. I set my alarm for 4:30 and fell asleep.


I woke up and checked my phone. 7:30. I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. Dean sat at the table eating toast. I ate breakfast then made a plate for Kaia.

"Sammy, she probably doesn't want to see you,"Dean said.

"I know but I feel terrible," I said.

"Trust me, give her some time," Dean said.

"Just let me check on her," i said walking up the stairs.

I opened her door and found the room empty.

"Hey Dean, do you know where Kaia went?" I asked.

"To the movies," he yelled.

I looked around and saw her journal. Today's date was circled with a case. I sighed. I looked around and couldn't find her hunting bag. I walked back downstairs.

"So she went to the movies with her hunting bag and without her phone," I said.

"Shit," he mumbled. "This is good for her."

"What do you mean? She is going to get herself killed," I said.

"Sam she was a hunter before she met you. She's a very good one so calm down," he said.

"But," I said.

"Do you hear yourself?" Dean asked. "Calm down and get some rest."

I walked back to my room and sighed. I loved her so much and I didn't want her to get hurt.

Kaia POV

I laughed as I sped down the highway. I felt free as cars honked at me. I frowned feeling bad about not telling Sam. Hopefully he believed Dean when he told me that he would lie for me. It was an easy case. Just a ghost bothering a museum. I took a deep breath. I slowed down to take my exit to the town. A half an hour later I pulled into a motel. Taking a deep breath I signed in under Kelly Jackman. I sat on the bed and used the motels phone to call Dean. It rang and some picked it up.

"Uh hello?" It was Sam.

After a mini freak out I breathed out. "Um hola?"

"Hola, Quién es este?" he asked.

Shit he knew spanish. "Sorry, sorry wrong number." I said with an accent. I hung up and waited. an hour later I called again.

"Hello?" Dean said.

"Hi its Kaia," I said.

"What's up," he asked.

"Gonna be hunting soon be there in the morning," I said packing my bag. "Did Sam believe the movie thing?" I asked.

"No you left your phone," Dean said.

"I'm sorry it was 4:30 in the morning," I said.

"Alright see you tomorrow," Dean said before hanging up.

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