Part 3 Month After

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Kaia POV 

It's been about a month seen I have seen the Winchesters. Bobby has signed me up for school and I have been dating a normal guy Sean. It was about the end of February vacation.

"Wake up, I got coffee for you!" Bobby yelled again at me.

Blinking my eyes open I saw Sean laying next to me. I looked at him as his floppy blonde hair and his long eyelashes. My eyes were wide as I remembered, he was still here. I shook his shoulders, he woke up.

"What's," he started.

"Shush you slept in you need to leave like right now and fast," I whispered to him. "Grab your bag and throw on a sweatshirt." We both threw on a sweatshirt and he carefully followed me down the stairs. "Go to the living room and out the window. Just follow the path." 

I got to the bottom of the stairs and there was a door way to the living room. He squatted down so he was hidden. I started to go through when a voice said something to me.  It was Dean Winchester. Dean? I just left and I didn't know what Sam told him. He was wearing his green jacket and  gray shirt. 

"Kaia, what are you doing here?" he asked me confused.

"I've been staying here for a while," I said.

"Oh, so that's where you went," he said.

Sean poked my side as I flinched. "Um yeah," I thought for a second. "Oh my God there's a rat!" I screamed and pointed. He turned away as Sean ran into the living room.

"Where and why does your sweatshirt say Boys Soccer Team and Sean," he asked eyeing me. 

I couldn't think of something so I just stood there. "Bobby," I heard Sam yell. Was that Sam Winchester. My heart started to race.

"Kaia!" Sean yelled nervously also. Dean glared at me and we both ran to the room. I ran to Sean's side and Sam was pointing his gun at him. He was wearing a plaid shirt. He looked amazing with his slight curly hair. I just stared at him until i finally managed to say something.

"Sam damn it put that away it's fine," I yelled at him. "You are scaring both of us."

Sam lowered the gun and I sighed. Bobby walked in. "You idjits why are you guys yelling?" 

"Well it looks like Kaia had a sleepover," Dean said and I glared at him.

"Especially since he's wearing a girls volleyball sweatshirt." Sean looked down and his face got red.

"Dean," I said shocked.

"What's going on?' Sam asked Dean.

"Hold on to the kitchen I need some coffee," I said pulling Sean's hand.

"Um am I going to die?" he whispered to me while we were walking.

"No," I whispered back. "that must be the friends Bobby said was coming over."

I told him. "Last night we didn't?" I asked.

"No," he whispered. "Just some fun," he laughing  little. He slipped has hand around my waist and hugged me. 

"You couldn't check the sweatshirts, really?" Dean asked as they walked in. i pulled apart of Sean. 

"Everyone sit down!" Bobby said as Sean and I grabbed mugs. I tried to reach to the top shelf but I was too short. Sean started to laugh quietly.

I turned around and puffed my chest. "That's not funny, I know I'm short," I said to him giving him my puppy dog eyes 

He walked over. "I'm sorry baby," he whispered and grabbed the mugs. I poured some coffee and put just cream in it. Sean and I sat near each other with Sam and Dean on the other side. Bobby stood at the top of the table. 

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