Incapable Of Love And Being Loved

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The feelings shared, smiles returned.
Genuine feelings, meaningful stares.
Fireworks in the stomach, flutters in the heart.

Skips of beats it does, race like a car it becomes.
To match the melodic rhythm, our hearts united.
A new feeling unlocked, a key to your heart I was called.

In reality, it was the opposite.
Maybe I was the key, but only to unlock it.
Not help to discover that feeling, one which I felt.

I knew from the start it was just me.
Me in it all, me being delusional.
And till now, you've proved me correct.

I could've never been loved.
I cannot be loved.
It's impossible to love someone like me.

And now, I see it too.
If I can see my own flaws,
Then what does it takes for others to see it too?

I guess you saw me pitiful, thanks.
As reading this, don't feel sorry.
I've already pitied myself from the start.

It's a normal, so carry along.
Hurt, pain and along with all,
Is all I'm capable of, truly.

Eunoia • Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now