Chapter 1

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"Here is the file of the patient you are assigned, Mr. Iero," Dr. Parker said, digging through a filing cabinet with the files of all the patients at the mental institute organised in alphabetical order. The doctor picked out a file from the W section and handed it to Frank.

Frank took the file and rested it on the table in Dr. Parker's office, opening it up and taking a look. As Frank briefly analysed the photographs and information inside the file, Dr. Parker continued talking.

"Gerard Arthur Way has been contained in this institute for six years and will remain here until further notice. He is twenty-one years of age and is responsible for the murder of his parents, three teenagers, and the attempted murder of his brother, Michael. He is also responsible for injury of multiple members of staff, most of those victims requiring medical attention." Dr. Parker sat at his desk and began tapping a pen on the wooden table stained with rings from coffee cups.

"He did all that? But he looks so young and innocent..." Frank shook his head and continued staring at the grainy black-and-white photograph of the patient in the top corner of his file. He looked utterly disturbed.

"You cannot be fooled by looks, Mr. Iero. Now, Way is considered very dangerous, so you must be on high alert at all times, in other words, never take your eyes off him. Yes? If you don't follow my instructions, there is a chance you may end up like the members of staff who needed medical attention, or even worse, like his parents. Do I make myself clear?" Dr. Parker snatched Gerard's file back and raised his eyebrows at Frank.

"Crystal clear, doctor," Frank said, nodding at his possible future employer. "I wish to prove that I am capable of sustaining a full-time job as a doctor at this institute."

"I value your enthusiasm. When you graduate medical school, I shall consider if you could have a full-time position here. But if the quality of your work in your trial fails to meet my standards, then consider finding another hospital to work at. Way is quite difficult to handle, so I am surprised you are willing to give him a chance. Good luck, Iero." Dr. Parker gave Frank a grin, but it didn't seem welcoming at all.

Frank nodded.

"I'll take you to Way's room. Follow me, and close the door on your way out." Dr. Parker ordered, standing up from his chair and leaving his office. "Now, remember what I told you?"

"You told me to always keep an eye on him, sir," Frank recalled, walking a little faster beside the doctor since he was falling behind his large steps.

"That is correct," he told Frank, finally reaching their destination, "one more not let him touch you! If he does touch you, if he is getting out of line, or if you think he is going to injure you, you must activate his shock collar. Do I make myself clear?" the doctor said seriously, handing Frank a small remote for the shock collar.

"I understand, sir," Frank said, taking the remote and placing it into his pocket.

Dr. Parker took off all the locks on Way's room and opened the heavy door. Frank took a glimpse inside the blindingly white room at the patient. He was sitting on his single bed covered with white sheets on the right-hand side of the room with his back to the door. He had been rocking back and forth on his bed while sitting cross-legged, but he stopped all kinds of movement when he heard the door open. He even held his breath.

"I'll be very impressed if you get him to talk to you. Good luck, Iero," the doctor said, allowing Frank to walk inside the room and closing the door. Frank was now alone in the room with the patient.

Frank took a silent deep breath and headed towards a white table and chair that sat a few feet away from Gerard's bed. He placed his brown leather bag full of documents and stationary on the table and took a seat at the desk. Gerard still hadn't moved. He hadn't even turned his head to look at who was in the room with him.

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