Chapter 3

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"You're very lucky I am allowing you to continue seeing Way, especially after you disobeying me a few days ago. Remember to keep the remote for his shock collar handy and don't get too close to him," Dr. Parker ordered, walking to Gerard's room with Frank by his side.

"I've been seeing him for more than a week, I think I know what I'm doing," Frank responded.

"One more thing, kid, yesterday Way did something really terrible. He severely injured two caretakers who attempted to administer a vaccine for him. It was much blood, and even broken bones. Both of them required severe medical treatment. Be extra careful around him because he might be a little distressed still," Dr. Parker told Frank right before he approached the door to Gerard's room. "Don't get hurt, kid."

"I have a name, sir, please use it," Frank said.

"Excuse me?" The doctor raised his eyebrows at Frank in surprise.

"You can call me 'Doctor. Iero', thank you."

"You ain't no doctor, kid. I've never seen a doctor like you in my life." Dr. Parker threw Frank a dirty look. "This isn't a playground for your teenage self to make friends with the patients and play clinky-clink with the expensive medical equipment, got it?"

"Doctors are supposed to care for their patients, not make fun of them," Frank mumbled, opening the door to Way's room and walking in. He didn't wait to see Dr. Parker's reaction because he knew it would be nasty like they always were. Frank walked towards Gerard who was sitting on his bed.

Gerard had a straitjacket on and was facing the wall. When the door opened, he froze and held his breath as he usually did, but when Frank started walking, he resumed normally. Gerard had his forehead pressed to the cold white wall.

"Good evening, Gerard, it's nice to see you again," Frank greeted, heading to his desk and resting his brown leather bag and another bag on the table. "Now, Dr. Parker told me about what happened yesterday. Would you like to talk about it with me?"

Gerard shook his head and cringed a little, lying back a little so he was propped up against the bed head by his pillow.

"I understand. The caretakers here can be really forceful sometimes, but they mean well," Frank said, nodding.

Gerard didn't reply, but he continued staring at the wall in front of him like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"You're not talking to me today," Frank noticed, tilting his head and staring at Gerard.

"I-I am, I-I'm just really tired. I don't feel well, Dr. Iero," Gerard mumbled, looking away from the wall and down at his bed.

"You can just call me Frank, it's easier for you. Did you sleep last night at all?" Frank said, taking out his notebook.

Gerard shook his head. "I didn't sleep at all. I didn't even close my eyes once..." It seemed to pain him just to think about last night.

"Was this because of what happened yesterday?" Frank asked calmly.

"I already told you, I don't want to talk about it!" Gerard said angrily, glaring at Frank.

"Sorry..." Frank said quietly, looking away shamefully.

"I want nothing more than to get out of this stupid fucking place! They don't help me here, they make fun of me!" Gerard cried, looking away.

"I understand, Gerard, I'm sorry..." Frank pressed his lips together.

Gerard struggled a little, obviously uncomfortable in the straitjacket. "I can't sleep in this thing," he mumbled, annoyed, "Can you take it off for me?"

I Couldn't Take Another Day Inside This Place ☆ FRERARDWhere stories live. Discover now