Forever Fall

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You were walking with your team, RWBY, JNPR and the four stooges as professor Goodwitch spoke.

Glynda: Yes students the forest of forever fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked for all of you to gather samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

Jaune was lagging behind everyone else since team CRDL had him lug their equipment.

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar worth of red sap. However this forest is full of the creatures of grim so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendeveu back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun.

With that the students split and Jaune went with Cardin.

Timeskip to a spot full of sap.

Carolina: Alright team one person should take watch for grim while the rest of us gather the sap.

(Y/N): I'll do it.

Washington: Right the rest of us will gather the sap.

The three of them got to work on the sap while you kept watch in all of the trees. Nothing came and you became bored and started blowing raspberries.

Selena: (Y/N) your meant to be keeping watch.

(Y/N): I am! What am I meant to do? Just stand here in dead silence while staring into the trees?

Carolina: Yes.

(Y/N): Awe screw you guys.

Another few minutes of silence pass and you pull out your pistol and start trying to spin it while it's in your fingers and drop it causing a shot to go off into the woods and a pained yell is heard.

Washington:(Y/N)! Quit messing around!

Carolina: Wash. You go check it out.

Washington: On it.

He ran off in the direction of the shot and in a few seconds you all heard his gun.

Washington: Don't worry he didn't hit anyone. It was just a beo wolf.

Selena: That's a relief.

Carolina snatched your pistol off of you and Washington took your SMG.

(Y/N): Awe come on! I didn't hit anyone.

Carolina: You could of you idiot!

This caused you to jump back a bit.

Carolina: Your too reckless! You shouldn't of even made it into this school!

The team stood there in shock.

Washington: That's too far Carolina.

Bushes are heard rustling as they turn back and see you missing.

Washington: Well look what you've done!

Carolina: What I done? He's too reckless!

Selena: That doesn't give you the right to tell him that he doesn't belong here!

(Y/N)'s POV at a cliff edge at the forever fall forest.

You looked over the cliff as you recalled what Carolina said.

Carolina: "You shouldn't of even made it into this school!"

(Y/N): Maybe it is better if I leave.

You looked down at the scar on your hand from when you were born.

You looked down at the scar on your hand from when you were born

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