You reached the Atlas military base where Yang was rattling on the gates and shouting at the guards.
(Y/N): Looks like I nearly missed the show.
Selena: Yeah... They won't let us pass through to Atlas... So what did you get?
(Y/N): Its a surprise.
Yang then Shouted again.
Yang: Come on! You didn't even hear us out!
Guard 1: Our orders are clear! The Mistral Atlas border is closed. Please have a good day.
Yang: Bu-
Guards 1 and 2: A good day!
You walked up.
(Y/N): Look dudes. I understand that your both doing your job. Can we speak to the commanding officer please?
They looked at each other.
Guard 2: We will fetch her at once.
They both walked off making weird sounds at the same time.
Blake: They were kind of...
Ruby: super weird? Yeah.
Qrow: I never knew you were a people's person.
(Y/N): Well step one is not to be angry.
You nodded your head towards Yang as you said this.
Yang: Hey!
Maria looked up in thought.
Oscar: Whats wrong?
Maria:Well I may know this commanding officer.
Ruby: Well that's good isn't it? If she's your friend then maybe she would be more willing to help us.
Maria: I wouldn't exactly call us friends...
Selena: Enemies?
Maria: That's the one! You and (Y/N) catch onto stuff real fast.
Oscar: Wait wait?!
Maria: Yes I come through here about once every 10 years to get my eyes checked out up in Atlas. You bring outside cashews on one flight! Then suddenly your on the additional screening list for life!
Qrow: You've gotta be kidding me...
Maria: Now now let's not give up hope yet. Maybe she's dead.
The gates suddenly opened and revealed the two guards.
Guard 1: Introducing!
Guard 2: Special operative!
Both guards: Caroline Cordovin!
A small lady walked up and stared down Maria.
Cordovin: Witch.
Maria: She devil.
Cordovin: Hmm I see you've chosen larger contraband to smuggle this time.
Maria: Oh Cordo, you know they say time changes people. But I see you still have that stick right up you're-
Ruby cut her off.
Ruby: No!
You walked up to Cordovin and spoke.
(Y/N): I'm sure you know this already but we're seeking passage to Atlas Miss Cordovin.
Cordovin: And why would I grant youse passage to the greatest nation known as Atlas?
(Y/N): We have Weiss Schnee with us and are Escorting her back to Atlas. We figured it would be the safest to go through Argus while the majestic might of the Atlas army is here.
Cordovin: Well if it is true that Miss Schnee is seeking to return to Atlas she must do it on her own.
(Y/N): We will talk over it tonight and bring you an answer tomorrow.
Cordovin: Very well. I shall prepare an airship for if she does want to return to Atlas.
She turned around and left with the gates closing.
Qrow: Well that got us nowhere.
Weiss: I don't.
Ruby: I told you we wouldn't leave your side for a second. We'll find a way to Atlas. Together.
(Y/N): That may not be possible. If we agree to send Weiss to Atlas tomorrow then I could try and convince Cordovin to allow me to go as an Escort. After we touch down we sneak off and try and find Ironwood. Reach him and convince him to send a ship to bring youse to Atlas as well.
Ruby: We aren't splitting up. Not again.
(Y/N): Then you better come up with a plan. And fast.
Qrow began to walk off.
Ruby: So where are we going now.
Nora: Yeah. What's the plan?
Qrow: The plan. The plan just got shut on our face three times over. I'm going for a drink.
Ruby ran after him and tried to reason with him but he walked on.
Jaune: Whats his problem? It's not your fault we can't move on.
Nora: If he's gonna be a jerk we'll just come up with something without him. I mean we've got Ozpin with us. He usually knows what to do.
Team RWBY looked nervous.
Ren: What is it.
(Y/N): Well you see... Uh... The funny thing is...
To be continued in the next chapter. Mistakes and intentions.