You sat in the Pelican as it reached the ground near the Facility.
Foehammer: The last transmission from their droppship was from this area. That was over 12 hours ago. When you locate them radio in and I'll come pick you up.
You got out of the Pelican and began walking until you reached another Pelican that had crashed. You heard explosions in the distance and followed them until you found a massive door with Grunts and Jackals running away while being shot at by Atlas Weaponry.
You opened fire on the group of hostiles and finished them off before entering the facility.
Cortana: Why would friendly forces run away after we help?
(Y/N): No idea.
You approached a massive platform and hit a button which brought you deeper into the Facility.
You got up and walked through the abandoned facility's corridor's until you hear a man screaming in terror. You enter the room and he shoots at you.
Cortana: He's too mentally broken. We need to continue on...
You walked past him and hear another gunshot as his screaming stops and a body hits the floor. You continued to walk through the Facility.
Cortana: Are you OK?
(Y/N): I'm just worried about Selena and the others...
Cortana: They'll be fine.
You both reach a door and you opened it for an Atlas soldiers body to fall onto you. You walked into the room and lay the body down before looking over at a pile of blood and helmets including Washington's, Caroluna's and Selena's helmets.
You looked at the helmets in shock as Cortana spoke to you.
Cortana: Link me up with Carolina's helmet.
You did as she asked and connected her to the helmet and a video feed played. It showed the team standing in the room.
Soldier 1: I've got a bad feeling about this...
Soldier 2: Boy you got a bad feeling about everything.
Selena: Do you hear that?
Washington: It sounds like-
A door bust down and a massive thing was digging into a soldiers throat as his budy tried to rip it off.
The whole room went to chaos as you saw something that looked like Harvey charge at Selena, Washington and Carolina as the video fees cut off.
You stood up in shock and looked around the room feeling scared... Frightened...
Cortana: We need to-
A door was busted open and you pulled out your smgs and opened fire killing the little buggers. You suddenly heard the main door be knocked down and looked over to it as you froze.
You saw Selena, Washington, Carolina and Harvey. But they were twisted, messed up... Infected...
Cortana: (Y/N)! Snap out of it! Please!
Your shields flickered and out of reflex you opened fire gunning the four down as a white bang engulfed the room.
Location: Unknown...
You woke up in what looked to be the sky.
?: Greetings Warrior. Saviour of humanity.
You looked at the Woman.
?: I am the Goddess of compassion...
To be continued...