An Untrustful General

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It was early in the morning as teams RWBY JNPR and CRSD were all in the library. RWBY were playing a board game. JNPR where sitting back doing their own thing while CRSD were having an "educational" discussion.

Washington: There is no need for you to put explosive rounds in your sniper or LMG!

(Y/N): But why not?! I would tear grimm apart quickly!

Selena: You would also tear us apart quickly as well.

Carolina: and I don't think we want an ordeal like the Forever fall forest again.

(Y/N): Oh you guys are no fun at all!

Washington: (Y/N) it's not that we want to ruin your fun. We're just concerned about the whole teams safety.

(Y/N): Bah! I hear Heresy against our weapon laws! Like Ruby has a massive scythe! Yet I can't have high explosive, armor piercing .50 cal bullets in my sniper?!

Ruby shouted from the over side of the room.

Ruby: Leave Crescent Rose out of this!

(Y/N): How about no!

Selena: Well we could maybe make a compromise.

Everyone looked at her.

Selena: Maybe just make his sniper have explosive rounds.

Carolina: Well it is better than the LMG.

Washington: and we won't have to worry about (Y/N) loosing control and gunning down all the trees then.

(Y/N): Sooo...?

Carolina: Yes. As long as you don't accidentally shoot us.

You jumped up and threw your arms in the air.

(Y/N): Yes!

Suddenly the P.A. activated.

P.A: Could (Y/N) (L/N) report to Proffesor Ozpins office.

This caused you to sigh.

Washington: What could Ozpin want you for?

(Y/N): No idea. I'll meet you all back at the room.

Selena: See you later (Y/N).

With that you walked off to Ozpins office.


The elevator bell dinged as the door opened to reveal Ozpin with someone. You entered the room and noticed two men with guns at standing guard at the door.

 You entered the room and noticed two men with guns at standing guard at the door

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(Y/N): So what did you want to talk about Ozpin?

Man: This is him Oz?

Ozpin: Yep. I'm glad to introduce you both to each other.

The man looked at his soldiers.

Man: Do it.

Within a second you felt a scorching pain on your face as you were stock butted by one of the soldiers.

The Auraless warrior (RWBY X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now