6.2. Sitting At The Bay (filming - morning)

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Grace and I were currently sat by the edge of the dock and that's when I knew the crew was filming us. We'd all gotten off the boat and were now parked up somewhere. "I'm sitting on the dock of the bay watching the tide roll away. Oh, hello I didn't see you there. I was just quoting Sittin' On The Dock of the Bay. Classic." I said to the camera crew. I was trying to say serious but that wasn't going down this way. I think everyone knew it.

"And I was hoping I could push you in the water without you knowing." Grace said and that's when I heard laughs from behind the camera crew.

"Grace, you can't do that at all." Luca said to her and that's when she looked crushed. Destroyed would be the right word.

"It's fine. I'll just get my revenge at a later date." She said to him making me laugh.

"So, what's the plan for today or are we just staying here all day." I said to him and that's when he looked at me. I think he was trying to figure something out.

"Well, today will be done differently. Instead of telling you where you're heading to. I'm giving you a letter. It holds the coordinates of where your going to." Luca said and that's when he handed out an envelope to us.

"I thought I didn't have to deal with coordinates when I finished school. I was wrong." I said to him and he looked at me. He had something to say.

"In your last video didn't you literally work with coordinates when you were racing with Will and Harry?" He asked me and I looked down. I didn't know about that.

"You've been caught now." Grace said and that's when I looked at her with a smile.

"Hey, shut it. I forgot about that." I said to her and that's when I stood up. Heading over to where the guys were also talking together.

"She looks like she's carrying some very important information." Chan said as he looked at me. He saw the letter in my hand.

"That's because I have coordinates of the place we're going to. Let's go agents." I said to them making them shake their heads and laugh.

"Are we spies now?" Jisung asked me and I looked at him as we walked to our RV.

"Who knows maybe. We've got to be secretive. I don't know where the other team are going." I said to them as I opened the door to the RV.

"This is so exciting. We only have numbers that's it?" Felix asked and I looked at him and nodded. Showing him the paper.

"Yeah, we just have to hope that the driver knows where this is." I said to him and that's when Hyunjin looked at me.

"I'll talk to them. See if we can go before the other team." He said and he took the paper from me. I nodded at him. We were in Yeosu-si, so I couldn't think of anywhere that we could potentially be heading to.

"I feel like this is something from a spy movie." Chan said to me and that's when I looked at him.

"I wish we had spy outfits somewhere." I said to them and I was hoping for some kind of Kim Possible outfit. But I guess I couldn't have everything.

"We should come up with code names for everyone." Jisung said and that would be fun.

"We should give them to each other." Felix said and that's when Hyunjin came back.

"What's going on?" He asked and that's when we looked at him.

"We're coming up with code names for each other." Chan said to him and that's when we all sat down at the booth table.

"I have the perfect one for Y/n." He said and that's when I looked at him and smiled.

"Oh really, what is it?" I asked him and he looked at me with a smile.

"Songbird." He said to me and I looked at him with a smile.

"Oh, I look that. I'm now agent songbird." I said with a smile. I was glad that it wasn't something completely random.

"You'd be Picasso because of your art." I said to Hyunjin with a smile.

"Felix would be koala because he's so cuddly." Jisung said and that's when Felix looked at Chan.

"You'd be kangaroo." Felix said to Chan and that's when he looked at Jisung. The only one without a code name.

"Quokka. It's the only thing that makes sense." Chan said to him and that's when we had our code names. We just needed to make sure to remember them as the day went on. Which shouldn't be that hard to do. That's when the RV started to move.

"We're going on another road trip." Felix said to me and that was what I loved most about these shows. It's just a constant road-trip. But we didn't have much longer left together.

"I'll be sad when this over. We've done so much traveling together so far." Jisung said and I looked at him.

"We gotta keep living in this moment agent Quokka. Can't be thinking about the end." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile. I was excited to know where exactly we would be heading to and what would be the end goal. Because let's face it. This set of coordinates were just going to send us to another clue. It wouldn't be as simple as this. Could it?

Netflix Original // Hyunjin X Reader // Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now