9.2. Beachy Boys And Girls (filming - morning)

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When the cameras went on we were all sat at the table. "So, do you think we need to prepare ourselves for the big game." Felix said and that was true. I then looked at one of the cameras.

"And if you are just joining us now. We are current heading to the beach. It's our beach day and we've had a revelation." I said to them and when Jisung looked at where I was looking.

"We will be battling to the death in a game of volleyball. Beach volleyball." He said and that's when Chan looked at him and shook his head.

"Maybe not exactly to the death but definitely to victory." Chan said and that's when I nodded in agreement. We were definitely winning this game and nothing was going to prevent us from it.

"But we will 100% be winning it. There's no way any of us are playing the game fairly." Hyunjin said and it will definitely be cutthroat.

"But I think we need to practice or like come up with a game plan." I said to them all with a smile.

"Well, we need to know what format is we need to take. We need 2 in the front, one in the middle and then 2 in the back. So I guess what we need to know is. Who's going where?" Felix asked and that's when he reached and got a peace of paper out from a drawer. He then started to draw a diagram out.

"I think we need to be tactical. Especially since we want to win this." Jisung said to us and we all looked around at each other.

"I think we put Hyunjin in the middle. He's the tallest. He'll be able to get the ball over the net if it goes beyond the first two." Chan said and Hyunjin nodded along with that.

"Yeah that might work. Who's going in front of me though?" He asked and he looked around.

"I'll go in front. I can be sneaky and watch what their moves will be and I don't mind crashing to the ground if it means making sure they don't get a point." I said with a smile on my face. I wish even care if I get sand in my eye. Just as long as they weren't going to win.

"I think that Jisung you should be at the back. I think you'd be good at running forward if needed to." Felix said pointing the pen at him. I saw Jisung look at him and nodded.

"That sounds good to me. Who'll be back there with me?" He asked and he looked around the table. That's when Chan put a hand on his shoulder.

"I will be. I'll be there watching over the rest of you kids. Making sure that this ball doesn't touch the ground at all." Chan said and that's when Felix looked at me.

"Which means that Y/n and I are at the front. Trying to stop this ball from going beyond us. This will definitely make us one step ahead of the other team. I don't think that they've planned this far ahead." Felix said and we all had a group celebration together.

"I think that given how Grace is. This wouldn't even have crossed our mind. Which is why we definitely have a better chance of winning." I said to them with a smile. We just needed to think about our game strategy now.

"I think we need to watch a few games now. Try and gather up some different techniques that we can pull out. They'll have no idea what will hit them." Jisung said to us and that's when Hyunjin looked at them.

"Maybe the ball if it lands on them." He said to them while laughing making me laugh as well. This was definitely going to happen at some point and I would just be waiting for it to happen. Hopefully they wouldn't edit it out during the Final Cut.

"Have you ever thought, what if it's not even volleyball and we've just made this plan up." Chan said and we all looked at him with a confused look. There was no way that it could be anything else.

"There's no way it would ever be anything else. This is the only beach game that I can really think of and we definitely have this whole thing in the bag." Felix said and we really did. We had everything all prepared and ready to go that this whole thing would be an inevitable win.

"Now, we just have to come up with a cool team name." I said to them all with a smile and just like that we'd be back to the drawing board again. And we would win no matter what our name was.

Netflix Original // Hyunjin X Reader // Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now