Chapter 27

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Sadie's POV
*** Time Skip *** ( One Monh Later )
" Are you okay? " Leo asked sweetly.

" Yeah it's just Bella......she keeps apologizing and I want to forgive her because we're like best friends, but I keep rememebring everything she did and ugh it's making everything so confusing " I sighed.

" Sadie it's okay. I know what Bella did was wrong, but she was just so desperate for a guy that she let her emotions cloud her head. I know she really regrets it and she wants to be friends again. I'm not forcing you to forgive her, but give sometime and you'll be ready " Leo said.

" Okay thanks Leo! " I exclaimed then gave him a hug. He hugged back and kissed the top of my head.

Sophie, Dave, Zack, and Sasha sat down at our table.

" Ugh Bella keeps trying to apologize " Sophie complained.

" I know " I said.

Leo put his head on my shoulder.

" Ugh I feel so sick " he mumbled. I giggled.

" Then go home "

" No then I won't be able to see you "

" Awww that's cute, but serisouly go home "

" No "

" You look so sick! "

" I dont care "

" Well I do "

" I'll go home if I feel worse "

" Fine " I finally agreed. Leo lifted his head and and smiled. I smiled back and gave him a kiss on the cheeck. I turned back to everyone and they were all smirking.

" What we have been dating for 1 month give me a break " I said.

" Um Sadie..Sophie..Sasha " a shakey voice said. I turned around and saw Bella.

" What? " I said.

" I know what I did was horrible and I feel so bad! I regret those things the most in my life! I'm really really sorry! Please forgive me! " Bella pleaded.

" Bella..... " Sophie started.

" Seriously?!? " Sasha said.

" Bella look I really wanna forgive you, but for some reason I just can't! Please just give me some time okay?!? " I snapped.

" Fine, what about you guys? " Bella asked then looked at Sophie and Sasha.

" I dont know " Sophie said.

" Same " Sasha said.

" Fine! " Bella said, annoyed then she walked away.

I let out sigh and out my head down on the table.

" Ugh this is so frusterating " I complained.

" Sadie I promise it will get easier " Leo said.

" I know, but still " I said.

The bell rang and lunch was over. I had gym with Leo, Sophie, Sasha, Dave, Zack, and Bella. We all walked to gym class.

The entire gym class Bella was with Charrolette. Jeez since when did they become besties. Ugh whatever. For gym we did basketball, and of course like usual Leo was amazing!

After school Leo and I decided to go get some icecream since it was hot as hell outside.

Sasha's POV
I grabbed my books and bag then closed my locker. I was gonna walk home with Sophie and Dave since Sadie and Leo went to go get ice cream. I'm so happy Leo finally asked Sadie out! They looks so cute and happy together!

" Hey um Sasha " someone said. It was Zack.

" Oh hi Zack! " I exclaimed.

" Um can I talk to you? " he asked. I got nervous.

" Uh sure " I said.

" Um well...uh..I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime..... " he asked. I smiled.

" Like a date? "

" Uh yeah.... "

" I'd love too! " I exclaimed.

" Great! " Zack said happily.

" Well I have soccer practise so I gotta go I'll text you " Zack said.

" Ok, bye! " I said then made my way to Sophie's locker.

I saw Sophie getting her books out of her locker.

" Sophie Sophie guess what!!! " I exclaimed.

" Wow calm down what happened?!? " she asked.

" Zack asked me out!!! " I exclaimed.


" I'm so excited! " I said happily.

Dave, Sophie, and I walked home together. Well I skipped happily in the front. When I got home I collapsed on the couch and took my phone out. My parents weren't home so I couldn't tell them.

SashaB31: Sadie guess what!!!

I eagerly waited for a reply.

SadieAngelo: What happened!?
SadieAngelo: No way!
SashaB31: Yes way!
SashaB31: Thanks!!
SadieAngelo: Np!
SashaB31: I'm gonna go shower and finish my homework
SadieAngelo: Ok byeeee

Wow finally Zack asked me out! It was so obvious we both liked each other, and it was actually really cute! I can't wait!
Hey guys! Omg 3 more chapters! Zack finally asked Sasha out!! The last 3 chapters are gonna be happy! Oh and sorry if this chapter is a little shorter then usual.

Anyway please vote, comment, and share! Byee♥

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