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im sorry I haven't had long chapter updates! but I promise I will try to make them longer as the story progresses!

I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my boob<3



" I'm pregnant" I looked all around at 5 shocked faces. but the one I was dreading to see was the worst.

Keaton stood expressionless in front of me. He opened his mouth to say something, but then turned around and swan towards shore. My heart felt the blow of his actions. A pair of hands gripped my shoulder and I looked towards who they belonged to.

"He just needs time. I don't think he has been in this situation before." Wes said before  giving me a bone crushing hug. "I'm gonna make one hell of an uncle though" He winked at me then followed Keaton.

Drew smiled an apologetic smile then swan after his friends. I was left with the closest people I had right now. Kris swam up to me and gave me the biggest hug I've ever received. Tiff went and hugged me from the back. A girly group hug was all I needed and I burst into tears.

"I didn't want this to happen! I'm 16! How the hell am I supposed raise a baby and live on a ISLAND! We have no baby stuff and I'm not giving birth on the sand. Its just not going to happen!" I sobbed. A pair of hands rubbed my back.

"Hey Cherry Bomb, you have us! and never forget that! We love you! And even if something happens, You'll always have us. Scouts Honor!" Tiff sadi putting her right hand over her heart." Okay I was never a girl scout, but still!" Oh Barbie. I loved that girl. She was the blonde one of the group.

"Thanks you guys. I love you! Can we go back to shore? I wanna check on Keats." I asked. They both nodded and swam back after me. When we reached the shore I decided to go to the waterfall to get some fresh water swimming done, so instead if heading to camp I detoured and went into the path someone cleared for us. The girls looked at me in confusion but turned and walked back to camp.

As I was walking, I admired the beauty of nature. Maybe God had this I our plans, maybe I was supposed to meet Keaton and live happily ever after. Maybe I was supposed to get pregnant. Maybe God wrote it in my plans. The whole time on this island I was thinking of the positives.

And I was sick of it. As soon as I stripped to my bikini, I dove into the cool water of the waterfall, and burst into tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore. And I heard doctors say that stress inst good for babies...so I need to get it all out now. While no one was watching. I just laied there. All I wanted to do was float. Relax, and unwind. Relieve all of the stress of this whole experience. And then Keaton popped into my mind. His reaction when I told them all. I honestly don't know what to do. I love him. But we are SIXTEEN! and were on a flipping ISLAND in the middle of NOWHERE. How can we raise a baby? I just wanted him to say something. Anything would have been ok. My head snapped up when I heard leaves crunch. I was surprised to find Keaton taking of his shirt and diving into the water.

I don't think he noticed me behind the waterfall. Because when he resurfaced only meters form he, he looked at me with wide eyes.

"I didn't know you were here" he said.

"yeah, I needed to clear my head." I said. how akward was this going to be?

" me too." he replied. we sat there for what seemed like forever until I finally spoke up. the silence was killing me.

"Please tell me. Tell me you don't want to be together and ill leave. maybe go stay with the captain or build my own camp. Say you want me to stay and ill stay. but please just answer me. I love you. and I cant help the fact we had a child. I wish that wouldn't have happened, but I don't regret we did. Baby, please. all I need is answers." I said on the verge of tears.

"WHAT?! don't ever say that Trinity! I love you! and im going to be there for you every step of the way! but when you find out that the girl you love is pregnant with your child is great news, then you realize your on an island. it kinds stresses you out! I will help you with this baby no matter what happens. I love you!" He screamed Swimming over to me and pulling me into his arms. for once since I found out, I felt safe. like nothing mattered but us.

I had to face the facts

I was going to have a baby.

weather I liked it or not.

on this island. and I didn't have to worry because I had Keaton and nothing was going to get in the way of that.


Kidnapper of woman's POV

I watched from afar. The boy and girl in the lagoon. so she was pregnant? even more fun! she was good-looking with a nice body. but as soon as they made their way out of the water I darted for the woods. to where the woman I used awaits. she was still the way I left her. in chains tied to the cave walls. naked. she was a beauty. I was enjoying my time with her. ever since that plane crashed I picked out my  targets. this woman whos name was Brianna, the girl in the lagoon, and her friend. they were all going to be mine in a matter of days. boy was it going to be fun. and a pregnant girl always gives the best.


Keaton's POV

I walked back to camp hand in hand with the love of my life. the mother of my child. My child. I was never going to get over that. I couldn't wait to hold my baby, but at the same time I was scared to death. We are SIXTEEN for crying out loud! I didn't know the first thing about parenting, and im not sure of Trinity does or not.

"if its a girl I want to name her Molly Elouise Stromberg." she said with a happy smile.

"hey, if your happy then im happy, all I want is a beautiful baby who looks like their mommy, but can rock it out like their daddy." I said and squeezed her hand.

That night, before I went to sleep I prayed. for the first time in a long time: "Hey God. I know I haven't prayed in a while but im going to start. please save us soon. I don't want anything to happen to Trinity, or the baby. she doesn't deserve to give birth on this island. and I also love her with all my heart and I want to thank you for putting her into my life. I will never let her go. please let our baby be healthy. and im fine with whatever gender, just make it healthy. and one more thing. COuld you tell my parents im okay? give them a sign? thanks again for always listing. Amen."

I kissed Trinity's stomach and whispered" daddy will see you soon. I love you" before kissing Trinit'ys head and telling her I love her.

that night I went to sleep with her in my arms. and I hoped nothing would take them away. I was Praying that in my arms they would forever stay.


hey guys! so another chappie! bet you didn't see the Kidnappers point of view coming?? how do you guys like it? please let me know! I love every one of you with all my heart !

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and the first person to comment gets a dedication and I will fan you! <333

love you all!!


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