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that was the last time I saw my daddy. thank god! after the funeral I was moved out of my old house and into my aunts house. I lived there until I was 16, then I left in the night on a west bound train. she knew I left because I talked about it for a long time. but she didn't know when.

when the train pulled up to Huntington beach station(not a real place) reality set in, I was a runaway.

the people weren't very nice here. I spotted 3 boys jamming out by the entrance of the station. it was a catchy tune! im only here to catch a plane to Honolulu where I will meet with a producer about a contract for musical engineering, so I couldn't stop and ask them questions, my plane leaves in two hours. I just smiled and walked past. as I was walking away I heard one of them say

"she smiled at you Keaton! she wants the d"

"shut up drew"

"you need to get over lauren dude, she dumped you. its been 2 weeks since we left"

"I really  miss her dude!"

"drew is right lil' bro," said a very new voice," why don't you go after that hot ass chick who smiled at you!"

"yall really need to shut the fuck up," Keaton, I think, replied, " we have to catch our flight anyways lets pack up."

I walked very fast toward the cab that would deliver me to the airport. in the cab I had a nice conversation with the driver. he asked about my childhood, family, and dreams. I told him everything, from my mom being murdered right in front of me to my running away in the middle of the night.

at the airport, I boarded the plane with my two carry ons and my laptop. you know how some people get caught in the middle of really weird people on planes? well this is what happened. there was a weird kid behind me who wouldn't stop kicking my seat, and his parents who talk wayyyyyyyy to loud! the people in front of me smell like shit, and shockingly the people nest to me are super cute!



the boys from the train station.

oh god.

they are cute.

and I look like crap on a stick.


and they recognized me.

"you winked at my brother! hey Keaton! its the girl who wants your d!," he turned to me and held out his hand, " I"m Wesley, but my friends call me Wes"

I took his hand and shook it, " I'm Trinity, its nice to meet you Wesley."

the blond one veered around Wes and shook my hand also, " im drew, the redheaded stepchild that hides under the stairs. I know im not redheaded but its a joke."

"Trinity, and it was a joke? I never would have known."

"ha-ha Keaton has a keeper!"

"speaking of the bitch where he be?" Wes said looking around

"don't you guys have to get to your seats?" I asked, hoping that Keaton wouldn't come.

" what do you mean? these are our seats! im B52, on the end, Wes is B53, Keaton is B55, and it looks like you are in between Wes and Keats!" drew said with a very dirty look on his face. if I had a stick I would throw it at him!

" hey guys did you know that they have really clean bathrooms?" Keaton appeared, " hey you are that girl who winked at me !

" I DID NOT WINK AT ANYONE!" I almost yelled, but stopped my self.

" ok geesh, I need to get past you, " Keaton said walking around his brother and tried to climb over me. his bum was all in my face. and it was a very cute bum I might add<3 ok Trinity, you really need to stop doing this.

the attendant usherd everyone to their seats and we took off! a few hours into the flight the pilot came over the intercom telling us that the plane was expericening difficulties. we never did get to hear the rest of it because the row behind me and the back of the plane were no longer there.

we were all going to die was the last thing I thought before I felt Keaton grabe my hand and we plummeted 30,000 feet into the ocean below

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