I'm Giving You The X's

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Trinity’s Point Of View

I huddled deeper into my pillow as I heard the screams of Kristel. I’m scared and hungry and I STILL have to pee. The man has done mean things to us. My baby is starting to kick a lot more, which makes the nausea feeling stronger. Out of everything, I want to keep her safe. I also wish Keaton would come help me! What does this sick bastard want with us anyways?

Kris kept on screaming. And the sad thing is she lost her virginity to a freak who rapes people for fun. I feel so bad for her. Your first time is supposed to be a magical night you’ll never forget. Mine was. But that’s not the point. The point is he hasn’t done anything to me. And when he comes to get her, he gives me this look, like he’s saving me so I’m good and scared.

We also found out he took that man’s wife. Her name is Brianna and she is in the same underground room as Kris and I. The man’s name is Taylor. He makes Kris and Brianna scream it when he…they come back with bruises and scrapes. Brianna has so many bruises, and Kris has four giant gashes on her face.

Kristel came back down the cellar doors with Taylor following, a satisfied smirk on his face. He looked at me and winked. Then he grabbed a rag, and before she could scream, he covered Brianna’s mouth. She struggled under his grip but couldn’t hold on, and she was out cold. He untied her from the cot and drug her upstairs. Before he started the walk onto higher ground, he turned around and said “that’s going to be my baby, baby” and winked.

I gaged a little in my throat and screamed.

“KEATON! HELP ME! HE WANTS MOLLY! BABY PLEASE HELP ME! KEATON!” and I regret doing it. As soon as I finished, Taylor had thrown Brianna on the floor and walked over to me with a rag. He was doing this because he knew, as well as I, that Keaton could hear me. Because Taylor made a big mistake when he came down here. He left the cellar door open. The last thing I saw was the bastard untying me and the teary eyes of Kristel as I was taken from my holding cell. Darkness consumed me.

Keaton’s Point Of View

KEATON! HELP ME! HE WANTS MOLLY! BABY PLEASE HELP ME! KEATON!” I heard it clear as day. Trinity. Wes’ head shot up and so did mine. We had set up a little camp near a waterfall, after walking for two days. Tiff and Drew went back to camp yesterday after Tiff got sick.

As soon as we heard her, I ignored the warnings of Wes and Captain and sprinted in the direction of her voice. He wanted Molly? My child?! Not going to happen. I kept running, no matter how much my lungs hurt, no matter how tired I was. I was going to get to them. With an automatic rifle Tiff gave me on my back, I could kill that maniac if he so much as thinks about taking my baby away from me. I reach an opening in the trees and look straight ahead to see two figures walking towards the woods. One was carrying the other over his shoulder. I recognized the brown hair and petite form. Trinity. I was about to run for him and kill the mother fucker, but two bodies held me back.

“Keaton! We can’t face him head on. We need a surprise attack. If we kill him now, he will never tell us where Kris and the woman are.” Wes whispered, choking on Kristel’s name.

“You don’t get it do you, Wes? My Girlfriend and my CHILD are getting god knows what done to them and you want me to wait? Are you crazy? It’s not going to happen.” I whispered/yelled at him holding back tears. He wants me to wait? What if that sick bastard kills Molly, or worse, Trinity?

“Wes is right Keaton. We need to get the girls out and then kill him.” Captain said losing his grip on me and walking towards the clearing. Wes looked at me with a tear rolling down his face and nodded. I followed after Wes and just kept my eyes open. I looked all around me at anything that might give me a clue on how to save them. Then I saw it. A shiny, round, copper object lying in the grass about fifteen feet away.

“Holy shit! Wes! Captain! Look!” I shouted and they both look in the direction I pointed in. Wes’ eyes went wide with shock and rushed over to it.

“It’s a handle.” He gasped and tugged it open to reveal steps leading into darkness. Without hesitation I started down the staircase with Wesley and the Captain close behind. We descended for about 30 seconds until we came to a dirt path. Underground. I heard girl’s voices and they sounded desperate. I rounded a corner and saw a light. The voices were much clearer now. One stood out to me and Wes. He sprinted down towards the light. We followed him.

“KRISTEL! OH GOD BABY!” Wes shouted and broke down beside her uncomfortable looking cot. I was a small room. Three cots. One of them occupied. On the floor lay a half-conscious woman with blonde hair and freckles. The cot on the far side was obviously the place the love of my life laid, waiting for her torture. She wasn’t there, which hit my heart like a bullet. Wes untied Kris and the Captain helped up the woman, who called herself Brianna.  We all hurried out of the hell hole and onto the surface. The captain instructed Wes to take Bri and Kris to camp and wait.  For now, I only had one job. Locate, rescue, and kill.

Trinity’s Point Of View

My sobs were the only thing I could hear when I opened my eyes and realized I was tied to a bed. No clothes.  I tried to escape but it was no use I had no energy. Taylor walked around the corner and smirked at me. He started telling me things that made me want to barf. What kind of sick man was he? I had not time to protest before he was naked and had untied my hands but kept my mouth taped shut. He jumped on top of me and I started crying. This went on for what seemed like forever. He held my hands above my head as he continued his actions. I felt dirty. Like a whore. I felt used, and nasty. I just wanted to die. Right there. Just get my baby out and die.  He finally stopped after thirty minutes of agonizing pain and laid on top of me.

“I’m so proud of you baby.” He whispered in my ear, my arms still pinned above me. Just then I heard a crash and Keaton was standing in the door way of the room, a look of darkness on his face.  Taylor turned around and gasped. He released me and put on some pants.

“Let. Her. Go” Keaton growled at him and pointed a rifle.

“ Now why would I want to do that? We were just having fun! Weren’t we sugarplum?” Taylor winked at me and I kicked his crotch. I guess he forgot he untied me. I ripped the duct tape  off of my mouth and threw on my clothes. As I was putting my shirt on, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and realized, he hit me with a baseball bat. He hit my baby. That was the last straw. I fought the pain of everything and used the strength I had left to tackle him and throw the bat across the room. I turned him over on his belly and grabbed his head.

“Remember your last breath, bastard. Because you won’t be able to breathe in the pits of hell.” I spit in his ear and snapped his neck. It made a sound I never want to hear again and he was gone. Just like that. I sighed and looked up at Keaton. He ran over to me and picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the shack and into the light. When he set me down my legs gave out and I fell. It took every last ounce of strength in me to wrap my arms around Keaton’s neck and kiss him.

“Oh god baby. Im so sorry. I couldn’t keep you safe.” He sobbed in my greasy hair. Keaton’s hands moved from my waist to my belly and so did his lips. “Molly, honey, daddy loves you.” He whispered and kissed it. I felt a slight kick and so did Keaton because his eyes lit up.

“Has she been doing that a lot?” he asked

“Yes, but only because she’s hungry,” I smiled.

“Well come on. I know this great fruit and water bar on the beach” he winked and helped me up. He carried me all the way to a makeshift camp where I was reunited with my family. I was finally home.

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