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It seemed like I was the only one who noticed that Kristel had heard everything. and im glad because Wes probably didn't want her to. when she sat up Wes went into protect mode. his arm slid around her waist and helped her get comfortable. it was so sweet. I looked at Keaton who looked at me with soft eyes and squeezed my hand which I realized he was still holding. like if he let go I was going to leave him. and I wasn't planning on doing that anytime soon.

"Wes, im just a little hungry. have they found any food?" Kristel asked with a weak voice. and by her movements I could tell she was in pain.

"Yeah, just stay here with Trinity and Keaton ok? and holler if you need me, love" he kissed her head and ran to the food station passengers had set up for everyone.

"HI! my name is Keaton and this is my girlfr- I mean friend girl Trinity." she shook both of our hands and smiled.

"its nice to meet the people who saved me, im Kristel, but I bet you already know that."

" well of course we did! Wes doesn't stop talking about you! like when you were asleep he said he hopes youre ok and that you are so beaut-"

I slapped his arm quite hard for a girl who has no energy" I doubt Wes wanted her to hear it!"

" oh no I heard it, I wasn't realy asleep I was just trying to make him happy by pretending. and he takes so good care of me. and I couldn't have asked for anyone better to en up on this island with." that sparkle in here eye shows that she wasn't lying, I guess love can happen at first sight.

Wes came back with a plate of fruit and tried to hand it to her but he said no.

" I want to go on a walk" we looked at her , " I have to stretch my legs, sometime!"

without thinking I offered" ill take her! after all she might be the only girl my age and what happens if I run out of tampons? im gonna need a home girl to back me up!"i said with a playful smile.

"Yeah Wes let Triny, take her. I need to talk to you anyways. alone"

" ok but if you hurt her im going to mess you up!" he half yelled half playfully said.

"yes master" I bowed in front of him and he gave me an apple.

"MASTER HAS GIVEN DOBY AN APPLE?" Keaton gasped which caused everyone to laugh.

I helped Kristel up and we headed down the beach. it was quiet for a while and I broke it silence.

" so you heard everything wes said about you?"

"yeah, and the funny thing is I feel the same way. I mean I think I really do love him! I never thought a man could touch me so gently, and so carefully. ive never had someone care about me so much. I jus-"

she stopped mid-sctence and looked at me with wide eyes.

"whats wrong? do you need me to get Wes? is your back hurting?" I looked at her with cautioin and worry.

"no. its just. I. ok if I tell you this, you cant tell anyone. you have to promise me you wont tell anyone."

" I promise. now tell me."

" okay so, when I was younger, my dad murdered my mom right in front of me. stabbed her. and he made it look like a kitchen accident too! I was eight years old. about three months after the funeral, I came home from school and I was doing my homework when he came over to me and slapped me. told me that my mother's death was my fault. screaming at me and hitting me until I cried. to him I was a worthless picece of shit. from hitting to punching and last year I came home late and he waited up for me. he thought I slept with somebody. he called me a worthless no good slut and stabbed me. right in the stomache. I ran out of the house and to my neighbors house. they called the police. but by the time they got there, by dad had split. all of the cookie jar money was gone, his clothes and shoes were gone. its like he disappeared. my grandmother took me in. I got a job in Huntington beach at a skate shop. that's where I saw Wes and his frineds a lot. but I never talked to them. anyways, I raised up 3,000 dollars and bought a plane ticket to Hawaii to live with my aunt anad go to college. that's how I ended up here.who knew I would be stranded on an island with the three boys I saw almost everyday. small world huh?"

"yeah very small world. and Kristel, I know what youre going through, besides the beating part because my dad murdered mymom in front of me when I was eight. he didn't bother telling them he did it. I lived with my grandmother till I was sixteen, which is now, and im a dj. like audio mixing and stuff. I get gigs for partys, weddings, or clubs. I raised enough money to fly to Hawaii to work at a very fancy five star hotel and start my life"

"I know how you feel. and I am so glad I met you! we are going to be best friends!" she hugged me and I hugged her back.

" now we should get back before Wes starts a search party." and with that we locked arms and walked back to camp

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