Chapter 10: Under Siege

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Day 1: 18 hours, 55 minutes (6:55 pm, local time)

"Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, take the ground floors up. Bondo, you run support with them. Seal off areas as you pass. Iida, Ojiro, Tsunotori, take the west stairwell to the museum floors, lock it down and figure out what they were after. Then start searching from the top down. Me and Sparky here will head to the center floors and then clear up to meet you, then we'll all double back down to meet the ground team. GO!" Katsuki barked orders as his team closed in on the building.

After nods and muttered agreement, the teams hit the building lobby at a run. Bondo fired a quick stream of Cemedine across the elevator bank, before he followed the rest of his team through the grand doors into the ground floor. The other teams headed for their stairwells.

Iida took the stairs three at a time, engines pumping and steps sure as he raced. Ojiro simply leaped from railing to railing, zig-zagging up the stairwell center towards the top, joined by Tsunotori. She would leap several floors, land and then leap several more.

On the other stairwell, Bakugou and Kaminari were forced to take a more mundane route. They ran the stairs two at a time as they raced for the seventh floor to begin their chase.

Far above, a pale blond-haired boy sighed and tossed a can attached to a small blasting cap, a long line of string and a wireless trigger over the railing. The string quickly pulled tight, the line tied off on the lower railing of the staircase.

"Bombs away." Neito grinned, then turned back and helped maneuver the coffin through the doors onto floor 13. Across from him, Momo was turning and placing a second prepped can-and-cord set up on the ceiling, attached by a strip of duct tape from her pocket.

"Move it, assholes. We've got to get set up!" Kyouka whispered at the two creators as Yuga pulled the leading edge of the coffin through doors and into a high rise office.

"King to acquisitions squad. Defend your floor and keep the elevators intact. We're arriving through the tunnels in four minutes. Hold off until then. Hacker suggests compound six on the doors and support structures to reinforce. Hold out on the far side from the elevator banks and clear an arena in the center. Feel free to trap the halls from the stairs."

"Understood, King," Kyouka replied, already moving to begin.

Tenya broke into the museum entrance first and started a search of the floor, looking for messed up exhibits, broken glass or signs of a struggle. He found it easy, as there was a straight path of molten metal grates leading through the hallways. Following them, he found and marked seven variant civil-bots, their outfits and painted decorations marking them as fake security guards. Each of them had holes punched through heads or necks. He quickly compared them to memory and tapped his comms. "Alert. Two intruder identities suggested from damage in the museum location. Jirou Kyouka and Aoyama Yuga." He looked around before adding, "Whatever they took was from the zombie exhibit. Looks like it was a centerpiece."

"Got it, Glasses For Brains. Take a look around for a minute then start down. Sparky and I are almost at floor nine. Shitty Hair, Steel Hair, you two find anything?"

"Uhh, not yet Bakubro! Most of the lower floors are just conference rooms and cubicle cells so far. We've got Bondo sealing up the main exits as we go and he's got the elevator banks done. We're finishing the second floor now."

"Hurry it up. Iida, get a move on."

"Understood." He disconnected and then turned to his team, who had been following along. "Ojiro, start from the central room, check the upper balcony. Tsunotori, clear where you can on this floor and then guard the door. I'll start on the computers, set up an uplink to HQ so we can access the feeds."

Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid (Icarius51)Where stories live. Discover now