Chapter 27: Ice Age Combat Woes

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Day 2: 13 hours, 3 minutes (18 minutes before the hero team's assault)

"I found where that livestream came from!" Yui called out, pushing a tablet onto a table that had been cleared of fungus by judicious application of Todoroki's flames, "And it's all because of Setsuna!" she tapped and a map showed up, twisting it to show a dot with a timestamp.

"What is that?" Rin muttered leaning in for a closer look.

"It's Setsuna's commlink! She never turned off the GPS tracker, which means we have her route and past movements! It's part of the standard tech package for most hero comms, and it's used to keep track of conflicts and recovery operations. Setsuna had hers on!"

She tapped the screen and the map zoomed out to a larger view of the city, with a green dot over the hero base, and a bright red dot located in the middle of the tallest building in the district.

"How the hell did you even find this out?" Rin muttered, looking at the map and pulling one of the few other tablets closer to look for blueprints of the city.

"Look, I wondered where Setsuna had gone and remembered that the GPS data is saved on one of the remote servers. We're not supposed to mess with it because it's what the teachers are using as a security measure, but if it's a standard hero comm package, then we should have access, and we did! All I had to do was match the time of her execution with her GPS data, and we got a hit. And I know about this because unlike some people, I read the user manuals on all my equipment. It's how I locked the consoles when I left," Yui rambled.

In the meantime Bakugou paced, form tense.

"We need to hit hard, strike fast and storm the–" he began to command, not even looking at the team as he began to lay out his plan.


The room froze, tension spiking as the figure few had noticed leaning against the wall spoke up.

Todoroki Shouto.

The fire and ice user locked gazes with an enraged Bakugou.

"Of the last five missions you've commanded, none have succeeded. We have been outmaneuvered, out-fought and expected at every turn. And now you wish to charge full-speed into a building that the villains have had a day-and-a-half to prepare, fortify and modify to their heart's desire?"

Todoroki's voice was a slow, precise drone, languid and venomous.

"I refuse to follow any plan of your making into such a fight. Not unless you share your leadership, or forfeit to another."


The entire hero team, barely more than a dozen members strong, watched as the two strongest fighters they had squared off.

"...Fine," Came the unexpected reply, voice pitched into a low hiss. "The mission is yours. You want to lead? Then lead, Half-and-Half. When this falls apart, don't come crying to me, asshole."

Bakugou stepped back and sat down, face locked in a stony mask.

Turning, Todoroki swept his gaze across the assembled heroes. "Objections?" Another beat of silence, "Then let's begin."

"To start, we're splitting up into three distinct teams. First–"

"–is containment."

Todoroki hid in the cover of the alley, using a small mirror to gaze at the shape of the Tower's lower floors. No movement. No eyes on the targets. He tapped his earpiece to broadcast to his team.

"Containment. Check in."

"Rin. I'm in place at the back. I have a clear view of the street and a high angle over the northwest corner of the block."

Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid (Icarius51)Where stories live. Discover now