Chapter 8: Interlude: The Observers (Part 1)

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Day 0: 5 hours, 5 minutes (5:05 am, local time)

Shouta looked over the rest of the teachers from where his sleeping bag was resting against the wall. Most of them were freshly awake, and carried small bags of snacks and notebooks to take notes in. Every year this was as much of a test of the teacher's attention spans and will to stay awake as it was of the student's skills and capabilities.

Shouta himself had woken up nearly three hours earlier to help oversee the villain team as they initiated the first of their plans. He was unusually prepared for this year as well. Inside his sleeping bag, he had stashed plenty of caffeine-heavy drinks, a pair of thick, unused notebooks and a smaller notebook given to him by the villain team called 'Stage Directions.' That had been a trip to read.

Honestly, when he originally proposed that Bakugou and Midoriya be chosen for the hero and villain roles, he had done so with the hope that putting them in positions of leadership would dull their bad habits. Midoriya was far too meek and willing to take a backseat in planning when it wasn't life or death and Bakugou was far too reckless and brash.

Then Midoriya Izuku turned around with steel in his eyes.

The problem child had talked to him several times after classes, each time to confirm whether something would be stopped or counted against him by the teachers. Like the two students from Support and General Studies he recruited. Or the requisitions for permission to use firearms loaded with the RG13 rounds. And the requisitions for a practical ammunition demonstration.

Each time Midoriya looked more and more confident, more focused and determined.

Then this morning, just after 2 am, the fucking problem child calls him and says that his team is ready to start.

He showed up to see the entirety of the villain team perched on the walls and front steps of UA.

For a split second, as they looked up at him, dressed to kill in suits and dresses, with armor and weapons stashed and ready...

As Midoriya looked up and his eyes glinted green in the half-light...

He pushed the memory of feeling in danger away.

With nothing better to do, he let the villains in and watched them set up. The villains outfitted and stashed supplies in the three trucks, before half of them practically slept where they stood. Midoriya, and three of his allies took a much more low-key sedan into the city proper to set up the villain lair, armed with suitcases and briefcases of supplies.

Shouta, in turn, looked over the cameras. The entire city, every room, every street and back alley and sewer tunnel was hooked up to cameras. Those that were classified as 'public' would be available to the heroes, but the villains would need to hack their own camera feeds to use them.

Power Loader and Shouta had been very clear that while blocking out the hero team feed was fine, the teacher's connection was to be left untouched.

As such, while the rest of the teachers filed in, finding places on couches and at the counter for the dry bar, Shouta panned through the cameras. He set half the screen on the resting villains, the other on the newly-assembling Heros.

Low mumbling started, before the heroes turned towards Principal Nedzu, dressed in a green money counters cap. "All right! Place your bets folks, place your bets!"

The teachers called out bets and wagers. Some of them were cash, but others were offers of dealing with detentions or grading homework for one another.

Shouta himself called out only one bet.

"One month of detention watching and homework covering, and 20,000 Yen, on the villains breaking Endeavor's record win."

Present Mic turned, mouth dropping. "WHHATTT?? SHOOUTTAA??? YOU NEVER–" Shouta's red-eyed gaze cut off the rest of Yamada's tirade.

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