Chapter 16: Burning Away the Chaff

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Day 2: 0 hours, 2 minutes (12:02 am, local time)

"I hate this plan!" Sen muttered, slowly twisting his legs as he focused on the trailing Shiozaki. He would only really get one shot at this.

"So do I, but let's do it. Be safe!" Yosetsu returned, eyeing the next block and where he had to go.

Ibara pushed harder, growing her vines faster and larger. After her humiliating defeat in the Sports Festival, she was going to prove herself. Before her team's patrol, she had spent the better part of an hour at one of the only plots of plant life in the city, growing the infrastructure to make her vines longer and stronger.

Then these two showed up. Kaibara and Awase, better known as the class jokers. Awase was rude and uncouth, constantly vulgar as he taunted and insulted his opponents. While far calmer, Kaibara was disrespectful and apathetic towards those around him, not to mention openly heretical, as evidenced by several very loud, very pointed debates he had started with her. Both had mocked her Christian leanings in their own ways, and she had no plans to let them escape her grasp during this exercise.

She focused, the closing distance back to the park making her vines grow stronger as she pushed herself faster and farther. Sen brought up his gun again and with a newly practiced motion, a swift weaving of vines flowed before her and her companions.

But the thud and splatter of the bullets never came.

Instead, a hissing sound reached her. She glanced up, the vines loosening to let her see, only for Kaibara to go crashing through, kicking her back with a surprised gasp as his boots made contact through the vines. His gas mask shone with blue baleful eyes, gazing through the dark of the night. In each hand was a pair of pulled grenades, smoke pouring out and wreathing him like a demon of hell and brimstone. One was deep black and thick, the other a noxious green-blue glowing in the street lights, the scent of it making her tear up and choke.

'Tear gas of some sort! No!'

She shoved him back, trying to get him away but he simply dropped the grenades, making her gasp and stagger as the vines pulled her and her allies back. In the corner of her eye, she could see Kamakiri swipe his hand, a blade growing from his arm to swipe the grenade's smoke clear.

From above the path of the blade Kaibara leaped in once more, body twisted and contorted as he used his strange Quirk. He lept off one vine to another and then shoulder-checked Satou, the sugar eater grunting and stumbling back as he reached for a dose of sugar. With a twisting motion, Kaibara was behind him and pulling his gun, placing it against the underside of Satou's head, keeping his jaw closed and pointing a second gun at Kamakiri and Ibara. catching themselves, both heroes froze, glancing at each other and tensing.

"Now, let's hold up and relax a minute or you may just lose another teammate."

Mina pointed a fist at the remains of the wall where they sizzled on the floor. With a hiss, the back of her gauntlet released a faint spray that seemed to congeal and solidify the mess. With that done, Reiko stepped past carefully and plugged the wireless connector Mei had given her into the server that sat blinking in the room.

"Connection in. Heading out now."

"Understood. Head to provide potential support to Sleight and Smuggler."

"Moving to the west district now."

The two girls trooped back down the stairwell. Reiko's arms went pale, letting her quickly pass from floor to floor by oversized glowing blue translucent arms, while Ashido slid down the stairwell on a stream of acid.

Sero Hanta crouched under the spinning staff of Honenuki Juzou, leaping off another desk in the office he and the skeletal villain were stuck in. The sounds of thuds and Uraraka and Tsuburaba's cursing echoed as they fought with Kendou on the other side of the room. Uraraka had tried using her Quirk, but Zero Gravity and Giant Fists had been a bad experience, so she had swapped to relying on Gunhead's training. Tsuburaba had tried to get a few shots in, popping shields or blowing spears of air, but Kendou was more than strong enough to shatter his air constructs.

Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid (Icarius51)Where stories live. Discover now