Chapter 28: Keep Cool and Stay Alive

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Day 2: 13 hours, 29 minutes (1:29 pm, local time)

Mezou spun, batons flashing up and around him as he fought off the coordinated attacks of Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, moving around the room. Kirishima came low and right, Tetsutetsu high and left. With a flip of the wrist, arms coming down and crossing the two sticks and swinging low, Kirishima was sent rolling backwards. Mezou leaned and rolled with his swing, letting Tetsutetsu fly over him.

The eyes on the back of his shoulders and arms focused on the steel user as one of Mezou's lower arms pulled up and fired another shot at the moving and dodging form of Uraraka, who was strafing the fight from cover to cover, slowly advancing and letting her comrades take the lead. Considering he had opened up with his handguns first, that strategy had proven to be surprisingly intelligent. Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were so far considered bulletproof with their Quirks fully deployed. The multiple red splatters across their outfits proved they were absolutely aware of that fact.

Kirishima came in for another round, kicking off and crossing his arms to tackle Mezou, as Tetsu ran in for another close combat bout.

Mezou shifted his stance and caught Kirishima's charge, his upper right arm dropping its stick and letting a lower arm catch it as his left arms all grabbed the staff and held it to catch the charge. Kirishima clanged off his defense and he rolled to take the blow. He then staggered half a step before the now free right arm shifted into a tentacle that snapped out and wrapped the redhead's arm tight, latching onto his hardened form with crushing force.

With a heave and a twist, Mezou's taller and heavier mass took command.

"Oh, shIT–" Kirishima's scream rose sharply in panic as he was pulled off his feet, having only a split second of surprise before he was flung full-force into Tetsutetsu.

Mezou let go, sending both tumbling across the floors, back toward the wall of windows as one of his other eyes caught a rapid moving streak of pink and white behind him.

Mezou kept his stance focused on the two downed brawlers as he eyed the incoming third.

At the last moment, he dived, flipping backward and letting all six arms brace and hold his weight as he twisted, sending a full-body double kick to Uraraka's hastily raised guard. With her Quirk in effect, she was practically weightless. Due to his kick, she went blasting back across the room, through a drywall and plaster barrier, and into an office room.

Satisfied she was occupied for the moment, he turned back to the two slowly staggering up brawlers, adjusting his grip on the Escrima as he began to stalk towards them, the faint glow of his weapons brighter than they were at the start of the fight.

Sero glanced around, the eerie half-light getting to him as he crept through the building for the elevator shaft and stairwell. He finally found the elevator doors, and after a few seconds of struggling and using his tape to get a grip on the seam, he was pulling them apart. Slowly, the doors creaked open, revealing the pitch black of the shaft before him. Smiling, he tapped his comms.

"Hey, found the elevator, gonna go disable it now. Wish me luck."

He tapped a button on his helmet and a light concealed by the visor activated, shining across the darkness of the tunnel. Slowly, he shot a strand of tape up into the shaft, and began to climb.

Momo focused, wrapping the large bundle of boxes and objectives she was collecting once more, trying not to consider just how heavy and large it was. The coffin, crates, and several smaller boxes were hard enough to carry, but with the trussed up dummies strapped to the crates and one even shoved in the coffin, it was almost impossible to move. The entire bundle was over seven feet tall and almost as wide from all four sides. She had no idea how it would get out of the building, though Mei was furiously typing in the corner, so who knew?

Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid (Icarius51)Where stories live. Discover now