VB- What the Fripp?

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The silence is deafening.
I'm guessing Alex picks up on this, because she tries to stir up conversation. "So uh.. We're all adults now... Who out of this group is most likely to get married first?"
Bit of an abrupt question, but interesting.

Lisa returns from the kitchen and hands Linda her first aid kit. "Maya and Alex." She says, without hesitation.
Fripp, in the corner, shakes his head. "You humans and your... human things..." He chitters.

"Do you hate humans or Pandorians, Fripp?" I ask.
He stammers, then looks away.
Guess he's done with this conversation.
I shrug. "Well, I think it's gonna be Avalon and Ydris.."

The glow dims, Ydris' energy flow faltering. "Leave me out of this, please, I'm trying to focus."
Evergray snickers, and Avalon probably looks at him menacingly, because he stops immediately.
What is he up to...

Linda adds to the conversation. "Yeah, I think Alex and Maya. Maybe if Naomi was in better condition, then I'd say them and James, but, uh.."
James frowns, but doesn't reply.

Fripp is suddenly very agitated. He screams something incoherent then scampers out of the room.

"..Is it just me, or has be been really aggressive lately?" I point out.

-Von Blyssen

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