AC- Enough Quiet

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It's eerily silent aside from whatever's going on with the old guys, and something needs to be done.
"So, should I text Maya and tell her I should propose now? Catch up?"

Avalon looks at the floor, then at me. "You know, you could just do what you want. We aren't really part of your group, you just kind of roped us into it one day. There's a 20 year gap between us, I'm sure it doesn't matter if we marry first." He says and shrugs.

I take this as a threat. "That's exactly what someone who wants to win would say!"
Anne perks up. "I'm calling Derek!" She shouts.
Lisa and Linda glance in each other's direction, shaking their heads.

"Is this a competition now?" Ydris asks. "If it is, we're winning." He comments smugly.
I'm gonna beat that magic bitch if it takes all my Jorvik Shillings.

James frowns and moves closer to Rania. Aww. He's disqualified.

Anne is on the phone, assumingly with Derek. "No, baby, I know marriage is about love, but I need to win this!" Typical Anne behavior.
Wait, ew, I just realized she called him a pet name.

-Alex Cloudmill

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