Love at first sight?

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I always wonder why our minds always choose instant pleasure over everything else. It will forget about your long-term goals and get distracted but wasn't it the same mind that first gave you the idea to pursue your dreams?... It's weird.
-Utsav Bhatta

Vol 1, Chapter 4 ( Le 'Q' arc )

"That class was a pain in the ass, the teacher was not that bad at teaching but the problem is with this subject. It's boring and I also don't feel any urge to learn it but what was going on with that girl in the second row, she was asking questions every time the teacher told something. Economics must be her favorite subject ka. Surely I am not saying all the contents of Economics is useless, it's just not fun or interesting to learn this subject but at the end of the day I have to learn it properly since it's a compulsory subject and the questions from this subject will come in two of the three summons.", Blake talked with himself after the end of the first class.

The other two lectures also ended and now it's time for the lunch break.

"Finally it's time for some rest. I guess I will go get lunch and take a nap for a while but it will be no fun eating lunch alone and I am going to spend the next four years of my life here so I better make some friends. But in these three hours I have only talked with this one weird guy and to be honest, I don't even want to be friends with him but things don't always go your way.", Blake talked with himself as usual with a look in his face that clearly told others that he was not happy by how things were going.

"O-oi", Blake said.

"Yeah? you want anything", that guy replied while staring at Blake with his two big eyes.

"Want to go get lunch together?", Blake asked while thinking "I am not asking a girl out on a date, why am I even becoming this nervous?."

"Yeah, why not. In fact, I was also going to ask you that any minute now.", he replied.

"Oh, then let's go to the cafeteria.", they both started walking towards the cafeteria.

"I am Ebo Osei, 16 years old from Ghana", he said while they were walking in the hallway.

"I am Blake Robbins, 15 years old from Lestor", Blake replied and thought, "He is not that weird when it comes to other things than sports."

"You seem quite smart for your age. I am actually not that good in studies and I decided to crack the FHAE to get more opportunities after I became a professional athlete.", Ebo had a smile on his face.

"I see, by the way, earlier how did you know that I was in a sports club in school?", Blake asked this question out of curiosity.

"I just have this talent from childhood. I can tell if someone plays any type of sport or not by just seeing their body. I can even tell which sports they used to play or still play if I talk with them for a while. You must've labeled me weird after I asked you that question suddenly, right?", Ebo replied.

"No, not at all."

They reach the cafeteria and after entering they saw a huge crowd of students in a queue for food.

They reach the cafeteria and after entering they saw a huge crowd of students in a queue for food

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